Using PVDF Gauge to Study Grüneisen Parameter of Unreacted JB-9014 Insensitive Explosive
摘要: 为了获得未反应JB-9014炸药的Grüneisen参数Γ,在火炮加载平台上对JB-9014炸药进行一维平面冲击实验。实验中,将炸药样品安装于两个铜板之间,两个PVDF压力计分别安装在炸药样品前表面和中部,记录两个位置处的压力随时间的变化历程;将圆形铜板作为飞片安装于弹托前表面,利用火炮加速弹托,使飞片以一定速度撞击样品装置前铜板,前铜板中产生右行冲击波对炸药样品形成一次压缩;随后冲击波在炸药样品/后铜板交界面发生反射,产生左行冲击波对炸药样品形成二次压缩。假设炸药样品的Grüneisen参数Γ为常数,计算不同Γ值下炸药样品前表面和中部压力随时间的变化历程,将不同Γ下的计算值与实验值进行对比,获得了JB-9014钝感炸药Grüneisen参数的最优值,为1.7。
- JB-9014炸药 /
- PVDF压力计 /
- Grüneisen参数 /
- 最优值
Abstract: In order to obtain the Grüneisen parameter Γ of unreacted JB-9014 insensitive explosive, we carried out the one-dimensional plane impact experiment on JB-9014 explosive using a gun.In the experiment, the explosive sample was mounted between two copper plates, and two PVDF gauges were installed at the front and the middle of the explosive sample to record the variations of pressure versus time.The copper flyer was accelerated by a gun and then impacted the front copper plate at a certain speed.The right row shock wave was formed in the front copper plate, resulting in the first compression of the explosive sample and then reflected at the interface of the explosive sample and the rear copper plate, causing the second compression of the explosive sample.Supposing the Grüneisen parameter of the explosive sample was constant, we calculated the variations of pressure versus time at the front and the middle of the explosive sample with different Grüneisen parameters.Comparing these calculated values with the experimentally determined parameters enabled optimum values of the Grüneisen parameter to be identified.-
Key words:
- JB-9014 explosive /
- PVDF gauge /
- Grüneisen parameter /
- optimum value
表 1 压力计2记录的压力-时间关系
Table 1. Pressure-time relation recorded by Gauge 2
Exp.No. Experimental data Calculation data with Γ=1.7 d tA/μs tB/μs pA/GPa pB/GPa tA/μs tB/μs pA/GPa pB/GPa Point A Point B Shot 1 1.467 0 3.833 0 3.512 7 5.720 0 1.403 0 3.772 8 3.617 5 5.719 9 0.053 9 0.021 9 Shot 2 1.324 0 3.423 6 4.880 0 8.130 0 1.283 0 3.469 3 5.102 8 8.125 0 0.054 1 0.006 6 Shot 3 1.250 0 3.222 0 6.064 0 10.511 0 1.200 0 3.243 7 6.580 0 10.494 5 0.091 5 0.003 1 Shot 4 1.209 0 3.046 0 6.750 0 14.421 3 1.201 0 3.162 9 7.217 0 11.514 3 0.076 9 0.255 2* Note:Asterisk represents incorrect data which would be ignored. 表 2 冲击波速度-粒子速度关系
Table 2. Shock-wave velocity vs.particle velocity
Exp.No. u/(km·s-1) D/(km·s-1) Shot 1 0.574 0 3.647 4 Shot 2 0.735 0 3.990 2 Shot 3 0.913 0 4.369 3 Shot 4 1.084 0 4.740 0 Shot 5[28] 0.480 0 3.433 0 Shot 6[28] 0.618 0 3.788 0 Shot 7[28] 0.779 0 4.028 0 Shot 8[28] 0.963 0 4.501 0 Shot 9[28] 0.481 0 3.408 3 Shot 10[28] 0.604 0 3.776 5 Shot 11[28] 0.639 0 4.000 0 Shot 12[28] 0.813 0 4.135 7 表 3 Γ和dav数据
Table 3. Γ and dav
Γ dav 1.0 0.057 81 1.1 0.055 14 1.2 0.052 44 1.3 0.049 82 1.4 0.047 65 1.5 0.046 03 1.6 0.044 60 1.7 0.044 01 1.8 0.045 92 1.9 0.049 05 2.0 0.052 44 2.1 0.055 95 2.2 0.059 55 2.3 0.063 22 2.4 0.066 97 2.5 0.070 79 2.6 0.074 67 2.7 0.078 61 2.8 0.082 61 2.9 0.086 66 -
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