Numerical Analysis of Segmented PELE Penetrating Multi-layer Target
摘要: 为了实现侵彻体对多层靶板的高效毁伤,采用数值模拟方法研究了分段式横向效应增强体(PELE)对4层金属靶的侵彻效应,获得了弹体侵彻速度和靶板厚度对弹体终点效应的影响。结果表明,分段PELE弹侵彻4层靶的靶后效果优于普通PELE弹。与金属杆相比,分段PELE弹侵彻多层靶后的弹孔直径更大。弹丸贯穿各层靶板后壳体的径向速度峰值随着靶板厚度的增加而增大,而壳体破碎长度并不随之线性变化。提高弹丸侵彻速度时,弹丸穿过第1层靶板后壳体破碎长度的变化趋势与径向速度峰值的变化相似,穿过第2层和第3层靶板后壳体破碎长度和径向速度峰值在侵彻速度为1.4 km/s时达到极大值,随后下降,而穿过第4层靶板后壳体破碎长度和径向速度峰值随着初速度的增加而增大。
- 横向效应增强体(PELE) /
- 分段弹体 /
- 多层靶板 /
- 侵彻
Abstract: To achieve efficient damage, we simulated the penetration of segmented penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE) on the 4-layer metal target and analyzed the influence of projectile velocity and layer thickness on the terminal effect.The results showed that the segmented PELE projectile performed better penetration than the normal PELE projectile and the diameter of crater produced by segmented PELE projectile was larger than that produced by its rod counterpart.When the projectile passed through the targets, the peak radial velocity of PELE shell increases with the increasing target layer thickness while the length of broken shell did not change with it.The peak radial velocity and length of broken shell was found to increase with increasing segmented PELE projectile velocity after penetrating the first layer and reach a maximum when the projectile velocity was 1.4 km/s after penetrating the second and third layer.After penetrating the fourth layer, the peak radial velocity and the length of broken shell increased with increasing projectile velocity. -
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters
Material ρ0/(g·cm-3) E/GPa G/GPa ν Constitutive model Tungsten alloy 17.67 354 138 0.28 Johnson-Cook Aluminum 2.70 69 0.33 Plastic_Kinematic 921 steel 7.85 210 78 0.30 Johnson-Cook 表 2 弹壳未破裂长度
Table 2. Length of unbroken PELE shell after penetration
Projectile type Lr/mm 1st layer 2nd layer 3rd layer 4th layer Segmented PELE 39.75 22.82 5.12 0 Normal PELE 31.49 8.71 0 0 -
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