Numerical Study of the Oblique Perforation of Single Thin Metallic Plates
摘要: 通过调用ABAQUS子程序引入修正的靶板J-C本构模型和修正的应力三轴度三分段式失效准则,开展了平头、卵形弹0°~60°斜撞击单层Q235钢薄靶的数值仿真计算,分析了弹体头部形状、撞击角度对靶板防护性能及失效模式的影响,同时对弹体击穿靶板后的角度偏转问题进行了分析,并提出了一个改进的角度偏转半理论模型。结果发现:平头弹在各个撞击角度下较卵形弹更容易击穿靶板;靶板的防护性能与弹体造成的靶板损伤及失效模式紧密相关,单层靶板在平头弹以同一角度分别低速和高速斜撞击后具有不同的失效模式,而在卵形弹斜撞击下失效模式相差不大;仿真与实验结果吻合较好。Abstract: In this study, we conducted numerical simulations of the oblique perforation of single 1 mm-thick Q235 steel plates subjected to flat-and ogive-nosed projectiles at 0°~60° by invoking the ABAQUS subroutine to introduce a modified J-C constitutive model and a modified three-section failure criterion of stress triaxiality, and examined the effects of the projectile nose shape and the obliquity on the ballistic resistance and failure modes of the targets.We also investigated the angle-deflection of the projectiles perforating targets and proposed a modified semi-theoretical model to describe the angle-deflection laws.The results show that the target perforation by flat-nosed projectiles is easier than that by ogive-nosed projectiles at each oblique angles; the ballistic resistance of targets is closely related to the target damages induced by projectile impact; the target has different failure modes as impacted by flat-nosed projectiles at low and high velocities in the same oblique angle respectively, while the failure modes of single target due to impact of ogive-nosed projectiles at different angles do not show much difference.The results of numerical simulation agree well with those of experiments.
Key words:
- failure criterion /
- oblique impact /
- ballistic resistance /
- failure mode /
- angle deflection /
- numerical simulation
表 1 弹体的材料参数
Table 1. Material constants of projectile
Density/(kg·m-3) E/GPa Possion's ratio σ0/MPa Et/GPa 7 850 204 0.33 1 900 15 表 2 Q235钢的本构模型及失效模型相关参数
Table 2. Material constants for Q235 steel
Density/(kg·m-3) E/GPa Possion's ratio Tr/K Tm/K A/MPa 7 800 200 0.33 293 1 795 293.8 B/MPa n C m1 m2 cp/(J·kg-1·K-1) 230.2 0.578 0.065 2 1.762 1.278 469 χ D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 0.9 0.472 18.73 -7.805 -0.019 3 13.017 D6 D01 D02 D03 ${{\dot{\varepsilon }}_{0}}$/s-1 2.338 0.511 -6.80 4.047 2.1×10-3 表 3 平头弹和卵形弹斜撞击单层靶的弹道极限及相应模型参数
Table 3. Ballistic limits and other model constants for single target obliquely impacted byflat- and ogive-nosed projectiles
β Flat-nosed projectile Ogive-nosed projectile a p v50/(m·s-1) a p v50/(m·s-1) 0° 0.95 2.68 86.10 1.06 1.69 75.76 15° 0.92 1.93 67.04 1.01 1.93 76.75 30° 0.99 1.61 57.44 0.97 2.16 84.90 45° 0.99 1.68 63.50 1.14 1.48 86.90 60° 1.18 1.51 95.91 -
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