Afterburning Reaction of Thermobaric Explosive by Underwater Explosion
摘要: 为了研究温压炸药的后燃反应,采用双层容器充气装置,通过水下爆炸实验,计算了温压炸药的冲击波能、气泡能。通过对温压炸药的水下爆炸能量输出结构的研究,计算得到了不同气体氛围下的后燃反应释放能量。作为对比参照,在相同实验条件下,对TNT进行同等实验研究,结果表明:在2.5 MPa氧气环境下,铝粉含量为40%时,温压炸药的比冲击波能最大,当铝粉含量为50%时,温压炸药的比气泡能与总比能量最大,分别为同等实验条件下1.99倍、1.62倍、1.55倍TNT当量;随着气体中含氧量的增大,后燃效应增强,TNT在氧气中的后燃值是空气中的1.94倍,温压炸药在氧气中的后燃值是空气中的2.70倍。Abstract: In the present work we calculated the shock wave energy and bubble energy of thermobaric explosive to study the afterburning reaction of the thermobaric explosive using the double container gas charging device and underwater explosion test.Through the study of the energy output structure of the underwater explosion of the thermobaric explosive, the energy released by the afterburning reaction in different gas atmospheres was calculated.As a comparative reference, the same experimental study was carried out on TNT under the same experimental conditions.The experimental results show that when the pressure of the oxygen was 2.5 MPa, the specific shock wave energy of thermobaric explosive with the aluminum powder content of 40% were maximum, the specific bubble energy and total energy of thermobaric explosive with the aluminum powder content of 50% were maximum.It was respectively 1.99, 1.62 and 1.55 times TNT equivalent under the same experimental conditions and, with the increase of the oxygen content in the gas, the afterburning effect was enhanced.The energy of TNT released by the afterburning reaction in the oxygen is 1.94 times that in the air.The energy of the thermobaric explosive released by the afterburning reaction in the oxygen was 2.70 times that in the air.
Key words:
- thermobaric explosive /
- underwater explosion /
- afterburning reaction /
- shock wave energy /
- bubble energy
表 1 空白样的水下爆炸能量输出结果
Table 1. Results of underwater explosion energy output of a blank sample
No. pm/MPa θ/μs Tb/ms Es/kJ Eb/kJ et/(kJ·g-1) 1 4.74 32.53 76.68 29.65 74.33 4.80 2 4.83 32.53 77.98 30.98 78.18 5.03 Average 4.79 32.53 77.33 30.32 76.26 4.92 Notes:μ=2.3,Kf =1.03. 表 2 TNT不同气氛下能量输出特性
Table 2. Energy output of TNT in different atmospheres
No. Gas Pressure/MPa pm/MPa Tb/ms es/(kJ·g-1) eb/(kJ·g-1) et/(kJ·g-1) 1 Air 5.1 6.01 202.56 0.57 5.34 6.70 2 Air 0.1 5.64 129.95 0.19 1.54 1.89 3 Bared Charge 9.64 151. 43 0.82 2.43 4.09 4 Ar 2.5 7 22 153.69 0.25 2.54 3.35 5 Ar 5.1 5.68 175.43 0.35 3.45 4.04 6 O2 2.5 7.12 209.57 0.57 7.07 8.48 7 O2 5.1 6.13 235.26 0.73 7.35 9.19 Notes:μ=2.015,Kf=1.034. 表 3 温压炸药在不同压力氧气氛围下能量输出特性
Table 3. Energy output of thermobaric explosives under different pressures of oxygenic atmosphere
WAl/% Gas Pressure/MPa pm/MPa Tb/ms es/(kJ·g-1) eb/(kJ.g-1) et/(kJ·g-1 50 O2 1.2 5.60 224.18 0.52 8.43 10.56 50 O2 2.50 5.22 245.65 0.59 11.450 13.15 50 O2 5.1 4.89 256.63 0.77 12.16 14.19 Notes:μ=2.203,Kf=1.029. 表 4 温压炸药不同气氛下能量输出特性
Table 4. Energy output of thermobaric explosives in different atmospheres
WAl/% Gas Pressure/MPa pm/MPa Tb/ms es/(kJ·g-1 eb/(kJ·g-1 et/(kJ·g-1) 40 Ar 2.5 5.84 170.77 0.39 4.09 5.37 40 Air 2.5 5.25 196.83 0.54 6.19 7.70 40 O2 2.5 6.05 238.63 1.13 10.16 12.19 Notes:μ=2.307,Kf=1.03. 表 5 温压炸药在相同压力氧气气氛下能量输出特性
Table 5. Energy output of thermobaric explosives under the same pressure of oxygenic atmosphere
wAl/% Gas Pressure/MPa pm/MPa Tb/ms es/(kJ·g-1) eb/(kJ·g-1) et/(kJ·g-1) 20 O2 2.5 6.71 223.20 0.67 8.40 10.31 30 O2 2.5 6.39 224.96 0.76 8.74 10.79 40 O2 2.5 6.05 238.63 1.13 10.16 12.19 50 O2 2.5 5.22 245.65 0.59 11.45 13.15 60 O2 2.5 4.77 238.50 0.39 10.16 11.29 TNT O2 2.5 7.12 209.57 0.57 7.07 8.49 表 6 TNT在不同气氛下后燃反应所释放的能量
Table 6. Energy released by afterburning reaction of TNT in different atmospheres
Gas Pressure/MPa Oxygen content/g Q/(kJ·g-1) Air 5.1 85.17 2.66 O2 5.1 403.75 5.15 表 7 温压炸药在不同气氛下后燃反应所释放的能量
Table 7. Energy released by afterburning reaction of thermobaric explosive in different atmospheres
Gas Pressure/MPa Oxygen content/g Q/(kJ·g-1) Air 2.5 41.75 2.33 O2 2.5 197.92 6.82 -
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