Effect of High Pressure Processing on Texture and Quality of Fruits and Vegetables
摘要: 超高压处理用于提高食品的安全性和贮藏性已被广泛用于果蔬制品,但主要限于流态食品,原因是超高压处理可能会影响到固态食品的结构。为了探究超高压处理对不同品种的果蔬结构和性质的影响,选择了5种具有不同的密度、含水量、微观结构和质构特性的果蔬,采用不同的超高压处理条件,分析在不同压力大小和保压时间条件下,果蔬结构和性质的变化情况。结果表明:果蔬的质地会影响其耐压特性,当果蔬质地柔软、空泡结构较少时,耐压性较好;反之,果蔬的体积容易被压缩,由于组织结构的差异,不同果蔬受压时体积变化差异很大;密度大、初始硬度大的果蔬受超高压处理后硬度等质构指标下降幅度更大。保压时间的延长会进一步破坏果蔬的质构和结构。Abstract: In order to explore the effects of high pressure on the texture and quality of fruits and vegetables in different varieties, we selected 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables with different density, water content, microstructure and texture to analyze their data under different conditions of ultrahigh pressure treatment.The results showed that the texture of fruits and vegetables could affect their pressure resistance.Softer texture and less vacuolar structure exerted a good influence on pressure resistance whereas the volume of fruits and vegetables was apt to be compressed with more vacuolar structure and harder texture.There is great difference in volume variation because fruits and vegetables have different textures.The texture index would decrease more obviously after high pressure treatment, when the fruits and vegetables have higher density and greater hardness.The prolongation of the holding time will further damage the texture and structure of fruits and vegetables.
Key words:
- high pressure /
- fruits and vegetables /
- texture /
- quality
表 1 5种果蔬的性质与质构指标
Table 1. Properties and texture values of 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables
Density/(g·mL-1) Water content/% Soluble solids/ °Brix Hardness/g Resilience Litchi 1.063±0.005a 82.004±0.037a 18.34±0.21a 1 193.8±40.15a 0.124±0.015a Grape 1.038±0.021b 84.641±0.015b 14.05±0.35b 204.02±15.45b 0.037±0.005b Carrot 1.028±0.017b 88.490±0.012c 7.47±0.13c 13 737.24±375.72c 0.457±0.037c Pear 0.986±0.007c 88.672±0.028c 10.52±0.26d 2 470.24±54.28d 0.077±0.016d Apple 0.861±0.012d 82.703±0.027d 12.79±0.33e 3 151.40±85.47e 0.161±0.024e Note:Superscript letters in each column indicate statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). -
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