Dynamic Compression Properties of 30CrMnMoRE and 30CrMnSi
摘要: 针对合金材料在高冲击作用下的力学响应,采用分离式Hopkinson压杆(SHPB)系统确定武器弹药中常用的高强度合金30CrMnMoRE和30CrMnSi在不同应变率下的动态应力-应变关系,得到其动态应力-应变曲线及屈服强度,并结合Johnson-Cook模型对其动态本构进行拟合。结果表明,两种材料的应力-应变关系、强度等参数表现出明显的应变率相关性,随着应变率的提升,材料得到进一步强化,30CrMnMoRE的动态强度提高约79%,30CrMnSi的动态强度提高约50%。Abstract: We conducted tests on the dynamic stress-strain relationship of both 30CrMnMoRE and 30CrMnSi at different strain rates using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system to study the mechanical response of alloy metal under high impact, and obtained their dynamic stress-strain curves and yield strength.And combined with the Johnson-Cook model, we obtained the dynamic constitutive model of the two materials.The test results show that the stress-strain relationship and the strength parameters of the two steels have obvious strain rate dependence.With the increase of the strain rate, the dynamic strength of 30CrMnMoRE increased by about 79%, and that of 30CrMnSi increased about by 50%.
Key words:
- impact /
- split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) /
- high strain rate /
- constitutive model
图 1 SHPB系统(1.子弹(撞击杆);2.平行光源;3.光控继电器;4.振荡测速仪;5.入射杆;6.试件;7.应变片;8.透射杆;9.吸收杆;10.阻尼器;11.超动态应变仪;12.智能测速分析仪;13.数据处理系统)
Figure 1. Configuration of SHPB (1.Strike bar; 2.Source of parallel light; 3.Photorelay; 4.Velometer; 5.Incident bar; 6.Sample; 7.Strain gage; 8.Transmitted bar; 9.Momentum trap bar; 10.Buffer; 11.Amplifier; 12.Intelligent speed analyzer; 13.Data processing system)
表 1 30CrMnMoRE和30CrMnSi材料性能
Table 1. Material property of 30CrMnMoRE and 30CrMnSi
Material σb/MPa σs/MPa δ5/% η/% 30CrMnMoRE ≥1 410 ≥1 180 ≥8 ≥50 30CrMnSi ≥1 080 ≥885 ≥10 ≥45 表 2 试件设计
Table 2. Design of specimens
Material Specimen diameter/mm Specimen length/mm Length-diameter ratio 30CrMnMoRE 10
1.50.5 30CrMnSi 10
1.50.5 -
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