Mechanical Behaviors of Closed-Cell Aluminum Foams under Quasi-Static Compression-Shear Loads
摘要: 通过添加斜端面垫块和长方体套筒,利用材料试验机对闭孔泡沫铝进行准静态下的压剪复合加载实验。改变斜端面垫块的角度,得到泡沫铝在不同压剪加载路径下的力学性能。对试样进行受力分析,得到泡沫铝在压剪空间的屈服面。同时采用有限元软件LS-DYNA对闭孔泡沫铝的压剪加载过程进行数值模拟,仿真屈服面与实验屈服面吻合较好。仿真研究表明,密度相同的泡沫铝,在一定孔径范围内,胞孔尺寸越大,屈服应力越大,泡沫铝的承载能力越好。Abstract: In the present work, we conducted the quasi-static compression-shear experiments on the closed-cell aluminum foams using an improved testing machine and installing beveled bars and a column sleeve.By changing the angle of the inclined beveled bars we obtained the mechanical properties of the aluminum foams in different compression-shear loading paths, and then figured out the aluminum foam's experiment yield surface from the force analysis of the specimen used.At the same time, we simulated the compression-shear process of the closed-cell aluminum foams using the finite element software LS-DYNA.The simulated yield surface is in good agreement with the experimental yield surface.The results show that, for the aluminum foams of the same density and in a given range of the cell size, the yield strength of the closed-cell aluminum foams increases with the increase of the cell size, and so does its load capacity.
表 1 试件尺寸和加载条件
Table 1. Specimen size and loading conditions
Diameter/mm Height/mm Density/(g·cm-3) Loading angle/(°) Loading speed/(mm·min-1) 32.50 9.88 0.49 10 1 31.92 10.24 0.49 20 1 32.50 10.00 0.49 30 1 31.94 10.06 0.49 40 1 32.00 10.22 0.49 50 1 32.00 10.08 0.49 60 1 表 2 各单元材料和材料模型
Table 2. Material and material models for elements
Part name Material Density/(g·cm-3) Material model Upper beveled bar 45 steel 7.83 Rigid Lower beveled bar 45 steel 7.83 Rigid Shell element matrix Aluminum alloy 2.70 PLASTIC_KINEMATIC -
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