Glass Microsphere Based Emulsion Explosive and Application in Explosive Welding
摘要: 爆速是爆炸复合的主要参数之一。采用玻璃微球作为敏化剂和稀释剂,研究玻璃微球尺寸、含量对乳化炸药爆速的影响,然后调配爆速为2.230 km/s的低爆速乳化炸药,利用铝蜂窝板配置蜂窝结构炸药,进行铝-钢复合板的爆炸焊接。试验结果表明:炸药密度随着玻璃微球含量的增加而减小;小尺寸玻璃微球含量(质量分数)小于2%或者大于35%时,乳化炸药发生拒爆现象;玻璃微球含量大于7%且小于35%时,炸药爆速随着玻璃微球含量的增大而减小。小尺寸(5~100 μm)玻璃微球的敏化效果和调节爆速效果比大尺寸(70~200 μm)玻璃微球好,铝蜂窝结构炸药用于铝-钢爆炸焊接可以获得良好的结合质量。Abstract: Detonation velocity is one of the main parameters in explosive welding where glass microsphere is used as a sensitizer and diluent.In this paper, the effect of the glass microsphere on detonation velocity of emulsion explosive was explored.The honeycomb-structured explosive manufactured using a honeycomb aluminum panel and a low detonation velocity emulsion explosive with the detonation velocity of 2.230 km/s was used to carry out explosive welding of Al-steel clad plate.The results showed that the density of the explosive decreased with the increase of the glass microsphere content.The emulsion explosive misfired when the content of the glass microsphere was less than 2% or greater than 35%.The detonation velocity of the emulsion explosive decreased with the increase of the glass microsphere content when the content of the glass microsphere was greater than 7% and less than 35%.The sensitization effect and detonation velocity adjustment effect of small-size glass microspheres produced a better welding quality than those of large-size glass microspheres.The honeycomb aluminum structured explosive used for Al-steel explosive welding was able to achieve superior bonding quality.
Key words:
- glass microsphere /
- sensitizer /
- diluent /
- explosive property /
- explosive welding
表 1 乳化基质的组分
Table 1. Constituents of emulsion matrix
(%) NH4NO3 NaNO3 H2O C18H38 C24H44O6 C12H26 73 10 10 4 2 1 表 2 不同尺寸和含量玻璃微球的炸药密度
Table 2. Density of explosive of explosive with different sizes and contents of glass microspheres
GM content/% Density of explosive/(g·cm-3) 1 1.30 2 1.26 3 1.22 5 1.14 7 1.07 15 0.88 25 0.77 30 0.70 35 0.59 40 0.48 表 3 不同尺寸、含量玻璃微球的炸药爆速
Table 3. Detonation velocity of explosive with different sizes and contents of glass microspheres
GM size/μm Detonation velocity/(km·s-1) 1% 2% 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 30% 35% 40% Size 1 (5-100) 0 4.867 5.087 4.915 4.759 3.252 2.471 1.923 0 Size 2 (70-200) 0 4.852 4.935 4.851 3.779 2.917 2.531 2.108 0 表 4 金属材料的物理力学性能
Table 4. Physical and mechanical properties of metallic materials
Material T/℃ ρ/(g·cm-3) HV σs/MPa σb/MPa c/(km·s-1) 1060 Al alloy 660 2.72 32 45 100 6.3 Q345 steel 1 523 7.85 168 385 609 6.0 表 5 铝-钢爆炸焊接参数
Table 5. Explosive welding parameters of Al-steel clad plate
Density of explosive/(g·cm-3) Charge per unit area/(g·cm-2) Charge/g Detonation velocity/(km·s-1) Mass ratio Thickness of explosive/mm 0.81 1.80 123 2.230 2.20 22.0 -
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