Constitutive Model of Aluminum Foams Considering Temperature Effect under Quasi-Static Compression
摘要: 采用MTS材料试验机研究了不同密度(0.322~0.726g/cm3)的闭孔泡沫铝在温度范围25~500℃下的准静态压缩力学性能,得到了泡沫铝在不同温度下的单轴压缩应力-应变曲线,分析了密度以及温度对其力学行为的影响。利用Liu和Subhash提出的本构模型对不同密度泡沫铝的应力-应变曲线进行拟合,分析并确定了模型中各参数随密度变化的函数,再代入Liu-Subhash模型,得到了泡沫铝的准静态压缩本构模型。通过引入温度软化项对准静态压缩本构模型进行修正,建立了考虑温度效应的泡沫铝准静态压缩本构模型,对闭孔泡沫铝的工程应用具有指导意义。Abstract: In this study, we employed the MTS machine to apply a compressive load to the closed cell aluminum foams with different densities (0.322-0.726g/cm3) at different temperatures (25-500℃) under quasi-static state, and obtained the stress-strain curves of the aluminum foam under uniaxial compression and analyzed the influence of density and temperature on its mechanical behavior.We fitted the stress-strain curves at different densities using the Liu and Subhash constitutive model, and the fitted results accorded well with the experimental curves.Then we analyzed and determined the function between the revised 5 parameters and the varying density, and established a constitutive model of the aluminum foams with density effect taken into consideration.With the temperature softening effect added to the modification of this constitutive model, we eventually established a constitutive model of aluminum foams considering both the temperature effect and the density effect under quasi-static compression.
表 1 不同密度下的模型参数值
Table 1. Parameter values for different densities
Density/(g·cm-3) Parameter p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 0.322 3.08 86.09 86.22 -6.49 11.60 0.481 5.98 90.83 90.74 -4.66 10.98 0.639 9.31 91.20 90.89 -3.00 9.41 0.726 12.01 92.04 92.14 -1.33 7.41 -
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