Influence of Aspect Ratio on the Penetration Resistance
摘要: 基于经典空腔膨胀理论、Forrestal阻力修正模型和加速度阻力模型研究了战斗部侵彻强度靶过程中长径比对于侵彻阻力的影响,通过对不同长径比条件下战斗部侵彻余速的计算,分析了长径比对阻力项系数的影响,讨论了3种理论的适用范围。结果表明:当战斗部长径比小于3时,加速度阻力项系数变化对侵彻过程影响较大;当长径比大于5时,3个模型的计算结果趋于一致,均适用于工程计算。Abstract: In this paper, the influence of the aspect ratio on the penetration resistance in the target penetration process of the warhead was studied based on the classical cavity expansion theory, the modified Forrestal resistance model and the acceleration resistance model.The influence of the aspect ratio on the resistance term coefficient was analyzed and the range of applicability of the three theories was discussed by calculating the penetration residual velocities of the warhead with different aspect ratios.The results show that the variation of the acceleration resistance term coefficient has a significant influence on the penetration process when the aspect ratio is below 3;when the aspect ratio is above 5, the results of the three models tend to converge, and they are all applicable to engineering calculation.
Key words:
- ammunition engineering /
- penetration /
- aspect ratio /
- resistance term coefficient
表 1 长径比与加速度项系数的关系
Table 1. Relationship between aspect ratio and acceleration term coefficient
φ Crt 1 0.482 3 0.161 5 0.092 9 0.054 12 0.042 15 0.031 20 0.024 -
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