Thermodynamic Properties of Mg2X (X=Si, Ge) Phases under Pressure by First-Principles Calculations
摘要: 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法,研究了压力作用下Mg2Si和Mg2Ge的结构、弹性和热力学性质。计算结果表明:0 GPa压力作用下两者的晶格参数与实验值以及其他理论值吻合较好,且相对晶格常数a/a0和晶胞体积V/V0均随压力的增大而减小;在0~25 GPa压力作用下,Mg2Si和Mg2Ge相体模量B、剪切模量G、杨氏模量E均随压力的增大而增大,材料的刚度和塑性均增强,当压力达到15 GPa时,材料由脆性转变为延性。最后借助准谐德拜模型和Gibbs软件,研究了温度与压力对Mg2Si和Mg2Ge的德拜温度、体模量、热容和热膨胀系数的影响。Abstract: The structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Mg2Si and Mg2Ge phases under pressure were calculated using the first-principles based on the density functional.The calculated results indicated that the lattice parameters under 0 GPa are fairly consistent with the experimental value and other theoretical data.The ratio of a/a0 and V/V0 decreased as the external pressure increases.An appropriate pressure (0-25 GPa) can improve their stiffness and plasticity because the bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, and Young's modulus E almost linearly increase with pressure.The brittleness of the material turns to ductility at 15 GPa.Finally, the effect of temperature and pressure on the Debye temperature, bulk modulus, heat capacity and linear thermal expansion coefficient was studied using the quasi-harmonic Debye model and Gibbs software.
Key words:
- first-principles /
- Mg2Si /
- Mg2Ge /
- structural property /
- elastic property /
- thermodynamic property
表 1 Mg2Si和Mg2Ge的晶格常数
Table 1. Equilibrium crystal parameters (a, c) of Mg2Si and Mg2Ge
表 2 Mg2Si和Mg2Ge的弹性常数
Table 2. Moduli of Mg2Si and Mg2Ge
Phase p/GPa C11 C12 C44 B/GPa G/GPa E/GPa G/B υ 0 110.48 22.04 44.72 51.52 44.52 103.69 0.86 0.160 Calc.[18] 115.21 22.14 43.11 53.163 44.48 104.34 0.84 0.173 5 143.03 42.46 52.29 75.99 51.49 126.00 0.68 0.22 Mg2Si 10 158.67 52.89 61.20 88.15 57.87 142.45 0.66 0.23 15 180.72 68.97 61.32 106.22 59.14 149.65 0.56 0.27 20 200.49 85.12 64.56 123.58 61.81 158.93 0.50 0.27 25 218.17 102.33 66.19 140.94 62.88 164.22 0.45 0.31 0 105.80 21.18 41.90 49.39 42.07 98.29 0.85 0.17 Calc.[19] 113.56 20.56 45.70 51.56 46.02 106.40 0.85 0.16 5 140.74 45.52 55.27 77.26 52.21 127.83 0.68 0.22 Mg2Ge 10 154.03 50.75 54.12 85.17 53.13 131.95 0.62 0.24 15 175.03 68.13 59.79 103.76 57.25 145.07 0.55 0.27 20 191.53 83.03 61.82 119.19 58.79 151.48 0.49 0.29 25 209.82 101.41 63.24 137.54 59.62 156.29 0.43 0.31 -
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