Influence of Aluminum Particle Size on Explosion Performance and Thermal Stability of Thermobaric Explosive
摘要: 为了研究铝粉粒径对温压炸药在有限空间内爆炸能量输出的影响,在温压炸药中分别添加了粒径为40 nm、3 μm和35 μm的3种铝粉。利用爆炸容器进行内爆炸实验,获得了冲击波压力时程曲线,经计算分析得到1.0、1.2和1.5 m处的超压和冲量数值,并采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)研究这3种粒径铝粉对温压炸药热安定性的影响。实验研究结果表明:铝粉粒径对温压炸药在有限空间的爆炸能量有较大影响,含粒径为3 μm的样品2在各距离处的超压较样品1提升了6.0%以上,较样品3提升了10%以上;3组样品的热安定性均随着铝粉粒径的减小而降低,活化能最大降幅达31.1%,升温速率接近零时的峰值温度(Tp0)最大降低了11.7℃。Abstract: In the present study we fabricated a thermobaric explosive with 3 kinds of aluminum powders (40 nm, 3 μm and 35 μm) to study the influence of the aluminum particle size on the explosive energy output of the thermobaric explosive in a confined space.We measured its shock wave pressure histories at 1.0 m, 1.2 m and 1.5 m of the explosion chamber, and obtained the overpressure and impulse values by analyzing the curves.We also studied the thermal decomposition of thermobaric explosives with different particle sizes of aluminum powder using the DSC.The results show that the aluminum particle size has a great influence on the explosion energy of the thermobaric explosive in a confined space, the overpressure of 2# sample with particle size of 3 μm is at least 6.0% and 10% higher than 1# and 3# sample at each distance, the thermal stability of the 3 samples reduces with the decrease of the aluminum particle size, the biggest falling range of the activation energy is 31.1%, and the maximum value of TP0 is reduced by 11.7℃.
Key words:
- aluminum particle size /
- thermobaric explosive /
- explosion /
- energy /
- thermal stability
表 1 温压炸药组分
Table 1. Components of thermobaric explosives
Sample HMX/% Oxidizing agent/% Binder desensitized agent/% Al/% ρ0/(g·cm-3) 40 nm 3 μm 35 μm 1 52.5 8 4.5 35 1.915 8 2 52.5 8 4.5 35 1.909 9 3 52.5 8 4.5 35 1.924 6 表 2 不同测点处的冲击波参数
Table 2. Shock wave parameters at different test points
Sample p/kPa i+/(Pa·s) 1.0 m 1.2 m 1.5 m 1.0 m 1.2 m 1.5 m 1 601.7 443.2 754.8 80.3 71.5 228.3 2 642.4 471.7 808.1 91.6 76.3 238.6 3 553.1 412.9 713.8 72.6 69.8 231.6 表 3 3种粒径铝粉的氧化程度
Table 3. Oxidation degree of aluminum with different particle sizes
Element Oxidation degree/% Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Al 84.24 90.57 93.29 Other 15.76 9.43 6.71 表 4 3组样品在不同升温速率下的DSC结果
Table 4. DSC results of 3 sets of samples at different heating rates
Sample β/(℃·min-1) M/mg Decomposition process T0/℃ Tp/℃ 1 2 0.72 271.6 273.4 4 0.70 276.6 278.7 8 0.69 280.4 284.0 10 0.71 281.0 285.5 2 2 0.70 274.1 276.4 4 0.69 277.3 279.5 8 0.71 279.9 284.6 10 0.71 280.4 285.6 3 2 0.69 276.6 277.9 4 0.71 278.1 280.1 8 0.69 279.6 284.9 10 0.73 280.6 285.8 表 5 3组样品的动力学参数
Table 5. Kinetic parameters of 3 sets of samples
Sample E/(kJ·mol-1) lg A r Tp0/℃ Tb/℃ 1 331.2 77.9 0.999 8 265.3 267.1 2 421.7 97.6 0.994 3 273.6 275.1 3 480.9 117.8 0.990 8 277.0 278.3 -
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