Numerical Simulation of Disturbance by Double-Layer Explosive Reactive Armor with Wedged Flying-Plate on Jet
摘要: 为得到干扰聚能射流能力更好的爆炸反应装甲,在经典爆炸反应装甲的基础上,设计了一种双层楔形飞板爆炸反应装甲。利用ANSYS/LSDYNA-3D仿真软件对3种不同方案进行了模拟计算,分别对各方案中飞板飞行形态、逃逸射流特性、射流的动能变化以及聚能射流对靶板的侵彻深度进行了分析。结果表明:夹层炸药引爆后,楔形飞板在向外飞出的同时具有一定的旋转特征,合理的摆放结构能够增大飞板与射流的作用面积;聚能射流在穿过反应装甲后,动能急剧下降,穿深能力降低,方案二聚能射流侵彻深度最浅,方案三次之,方案一最深,表明方案二具有良好的防护效果。对楔形飞板的研究丰富了爆炸反应装甲的结构设计,为反应装甲的进一步研究提供了理论参考。Abstract: Based on the traditional explosive reactive armor (ERA), we designed a structure of double-layer ERA with wedged flying-plates, to achieve the best performance in jet disturbing.By using the simulation software ANSYS/LSDYNA-3D, we simulated 3 different schemes of ERA structures, and analyzed the flying states of flying-layers, the character of escaped jet, the kinetic energy of jet and the penetrating depth of target by jet separately.The results show that the flying-layer tended to rotate after the sandwich explosive were detonated, and a proper structure arrangement helped to enlarge the active area between the jet and the flying-layer.The kinetic energy of jet declined greatly after across the ERA, resulting in a lower penetrating depth.Of the 3 schemes, Scheme 2 has the smallest penetrating depth by jet into the target, the next is Scheme 3, while Scheme 1 has the maximum penetrating depth, indicating that the structure of Scheme 2 has the best protection effect.This study on the wedged double-layer ERA enriched the structure design of ERA, providing theoretical reference for its further research.
Key words:
- wedged flying-layer /
- explosive reactive armor /
- shaped charge jet /
- penetration
表 1 B炸药材料模型及状态方程参数
Table 1. Parameters of material model and equation of state of explosive B
ρ/(g·cm-3) pCJ/GPa D/(m·s-1) AJWL/GPa BJWL/GPa RJWL1 RJWL2 E0 1.717 29.5 7 980 524.2 7.678 4.2 1.1 0.085 表 2 铜、钢材料模型及状态方程参数
Table 2. Parameters of material model and equation of state of copper and steel
Material ρ/(g·cm-3) G/GPa AJ-C/GPa BJ-C/GPa S1 S2 C/(m·s-1) V0 Copper 8.96 46 0.09 0.92 1.489 0 3 940 1 Steel 7.785 77.5 0.175 0.376 1.49 0 4 570 1 表 3 夹层炸药的材料模型及状态方程参数
Table 3. Parameters of material model and equation of state of sandwich explosive
ρ/(g·cm-3) G/GPa σY/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 R3 1.712 3.54 0.2 524.2 7.678 778.1 -5.031×10-2 2.223×10-5 R5 R6 cP/(J·kg-1·K-1) cR/(J·kg-1·K-1) GROW2 AR2 ES1 ES2 11.3 1.13 10-3 2.487×10-3 300 1 0.222 0.333 -
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