Effects of Explosive Device with Foam Cushion and Air Clearance on Kinetic Characteristic of Steel Flyer under Detonation Loading
摘要: 采用激光干涉测速技术,研究了装配0.5 mm厚泡沫垫层或空气间隙对RHT-901炸药爆轰加载下45钢飞片运动特征的影响,得到在两种装配条件下爆轰驱动飞片的自由面速度历史,对比分析了装配垫层与间隙之间的差异。实验研究发现,装配垫层和间隙对金属飞片运动特征的影响显著,主要包括速度起跳时刻、速度起跳幅值和末速度。对于炸药-金属间的装配垫层和间隙,垫层比间隙处的速度起跳时刻晚约30 ns,起跳幅值高约13%,末速度低;对于金属-金属间的装配垫层和间隙,垫层处比间隙处的速度起跳时刻早约200ns,起跳幅值低约6%,末速度低。基于连续介质的应力波传播特性,对该影响规律进行了分析,通过估算爆轰产物向空气中飞散的速度,佐证了分析结果的合理性。Abstract: Based on a Doppler pin system, we studied the influence of a 0.5 mm-thick foam layer and an air clearance on the kinetic characteristic of a 45 steel flyer under the detonation of the RHT-901 explosive, and analyzed the difference in this influence as is shown between a single-flyer assembly and a double-flyer assembly according to the free surface velocity-time curves of the flyer of each.The experimental results show that the foam cushion and air clearance significantly affect the kinetic characteristics of the 45 steel flyer, including the take-off time of the flyer, the velocity jump amplitude and the final velocity.Comparing the effect of a foam cushion and that of an air clearance between the explosive and the metal flyer in the single-flyer assembly, we found that the take-off time of the metal flyer in the foam cushion region is later by about 30ns and the speed jump amplitude is higher by about 13% as compared to that in the air clearance area; comparing it in the double-flyer assembly, we found that the take-off time is advanced by about 200ns and the speed jump amplitude is reduced by about 6%.Nevertheless, the final velocities in the foam cushion region are lower than that in the air clearance area in the two experiments.Finally, we analyzed the influence pattern based on the stress wave propagation in continuum matter, and verified the rationality of the theoretical explanation by estimating the velocity of denotation products flying through air.
Key words:
- foam cushion /
- air clearance /
- detonation-driven flyer /
- Doppler pin system
表 1 炸药爆轰驱动单层飞片实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of single flyer under detonation loading
Probe Location of test point t0/μs v1/(m·s-1) v2/(m·s-1) S1 Foam cushion, Ø60 mm 13.619 1 640 2 277 S2 Air clearance, Ø60 mm 13.589 1 447 2 303 S3 Foam cushion, Ø30 mm 13.631 1 679 2 434 S4 Air clearance, Ø30 mm 13.605 1 510 2 450 表 2 炸药爆轰驱动双层飞片实验结果
Table 2. Experimental results of double-flyer under detonation loading
Probe Location of test point t0/μs v1/(m·s-1) v2/(m·s-1) S1 Foam cushion, Ø60 mm 14.483 1 307 1 494 S2 Air clearance, Ø60 mm 14.679 1 394 1 547 S3 Foam cushion, Ø30 mm 14.542 1 340 1 566 S4 Air clearance, Ø30 mm 14.721 1 439 1 593 -
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