Axial Dispersion Control of Focusing Fragment Warhead
摘要: 为研究聚焦式战斗部在炸药驱动下破片的轴向飞散特性,提高其轴向杀伤威力,以Shapiro公式为理论指导,对聚焦式战斗部壳体母线进行设计,并对战斗部装药结构进行优化改进。利用LS-DYNA有限元程序及ALE算法对战斗部的爆炸过程进行模拟, 以破片轴向分布为指标,对装药结构、壳体母线曲率与破片飞散特性的关系进行了分析。结果表明,“工”字形圆台装药和壳体母线曲率能够有效控制战斗部破片的轴向飞散,并得到了圆台的合理高度。此结果对于深入开展战斗部的破片飞散方向控制及应用研究提供了重要参考。Abstract: To improve the axial lethality of focusing fragment warhead, we carried out a research on the axial dispersing characteristics of prefabricated fragments.Based on the Shapiro formula theory, we designed the shell and improved the charge structure of warhead, and simulated its explosion process using the LS-DYNA software and ALE algorithm.Considering the axial distribution of fragments on the target, we analyzed the relationship between the charge structure, the shell curvature and the dispersing characteristics of fragments.The results indicate that the scattering of the fragments can be controlled effectively by deferring the curvature of the shell and using the "I"-shaped charge structure.Our work has been proved to benefit researches on the control and application of the fragments scattering of warhead.
Key words:
- axial focusing warhead /
- shell design /
- charge structure /
- fragments scattering
表 1 3种战斗部的壳体母线设计参数
Table 1. Shell parameters of 3 kinds of warheads
No. Warhead mode Detonation mode M/m Fragment distribution Fitting radius/mm 1# Focusing Symmetrical point 3.5 Focusing 711 2# Parallel Symmetrical point 3.5 Uniform distribution (130 mm in axis direction) 1 076 3# Emanative Symmetrical point 3.5 Uniform distribution (300 mm in axis direction) 1 700 表 2 各部分材料及材料参数
Table 2. Parameter of different materials
Component Material Density/(g·cm-3) Material model Equation of state Explosive RDX 1.75 High_Explosive_Burn JWL Null Air 0.001 29 Null Linear_Polynomial Epoxy Epoxy 1.198 Null Grüneisen Sponge Sponge 0.315 Null Grüneisen Casing 45 steel 7.85 Elastic_Plastic_Hydro_Spall Grüneisen End-plate LY12 2.73 Elastic_Plastic_Hydro_Spall Grüneisen Fragment screw 45 steel 7.89 Plastic_Kinematic 表 3 目标区域内破片统计
Table 3. Fragments in specific target area
No. Area/cm Fragment number Percent/% Gain 1# (-2.5,2.5) 258 25.64 1.44 2# (-6.5, 6.5) 396 44.40 1.23 3# (-15.0,15.0) 517 59.22 0.48 -
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