
潘玲 周兵 郭晓倩 张璐瑶 胡小松 张燕

潘玲, 周兵, 郭晓倩, 张璐瑶, 胡小松, 张燕. 热和高静压杀菌对糟卤虾仁货架期及品质的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2016, 30(5): 434-440. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2016.05.014
引用本文: 潘玲, 周兵, 郭晓倩, 张璐瑶, 胡小松, 张燕. 热和高静压杀菌对糟卤虾仁货架期及品质的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2016, 30(5): 434-440. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2016.05.014
PAN Ling, ZHOU Bing, GUO Xiao-Qian, ZHANG Lu-Yao, HU Xiao-Song, ZHANG Yan. Effect of Thermal Sterilization and High Hydrostatic Pressureon Shelf Life and Quality of Vinasse Shrimps[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2016, 30(5): 434-440. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2016.05.014
Citation: PAN Ling, ZHOU Bing, GUO Xiao-Qian, ZHANG Lu-Yao, HU Xiao-Song, ZHANG Yan. Effect of Thermal Sterilization and High Hydrostatic Pressureon Shelf Life and Quality of Vinasse Shrimps[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2016, 30(5): 434-440. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2016.05.014


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2016.05.014

国家863计划项目 2011AA100803

北京市科技新星计划项目 Z121105002512068


    潘玲(1988—), 女,硕士研究生,主要从事食品科学研究.E-mail:xiaolingtongxie813@163.com


    张燕(1977—), 女,博士,副教授,博士生导师,主要从事食品非热加工技术理论与应用、天然产物分离技术与产品开发和果蔬加工与综合利用研究.E-mail:zhangyan348@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O521.9

Effect of Thermal Sterilization and High Hydrostatic Pressureon Shelf Life and Quality of Vinasse Shrimps

  • 摘要: 为研究热和高静压杀菌对糟卤虾仁品质和货架期的影响,分别采用热和高静压(HHP)方法对糟卤虾仁样品进行处理。根据样品微生物菌落总数随着杀菌时间的变化曲线,确定较优的热和高静压杀菌条件分别为85 ℃、20 min和550 MPa、10 min。通过理化指标和感官评价对杀菌处理后的样品品质进行评价。结果表明,贮藏过程中,热和高静压杀菌组样品的pH值和水分含量均无显著变化;贮藏30 d后,热和HHP杀菌组的综合评分均低于对照组,但是HHP杀菌组样品在形态、色泽、软硬度等方面均优于热杀菌组;贮藏90 d后,HHP杀菌组样品的微生物菌落总数达到2.5×104 cfu/g,接近行业标准的上限(3.0×104cfu/g),远高于热处理组(70 cfu/g),相应地,HHP杀菌组的TVB-N值也高于热处理组。


  • 图  热和HHP处理对糟卤虾仁微生物菌的杀灭效果

    Figure  1.  Inactivation of thermal and HHP treatments onthe aerobic microbial counts of vinasse shrimps

    图  贮藏期间糟卤虾仁TVB-N值的变化

    Figure  2.  Changes in the TVB-N value of vinasseshrimps during storage

    表  1  糟卤虾仁感官品质评价标准表

    Table  1.   Criteria of sensory quality and evaluation for vinasse shrimps

    Sensory characteristics Low (2-4) Medium (5-7) High (8-10)
    Pattern Incomplete with multiplebreakage and deformation, andsignificantly narrowed size Almost completement, slightlydamaged deformation andnarrowed size Original form of complete shrimp with unchanged size
    Color Dark red Natural shrimp red anduniform brightness Natural shrimp red withbright and uniform color
    Softness Too soft or too hard, poorchewing and inelastic Softer or harder, moderateboth in chewingand elasticity Right balance of softnessand hardness, appropriatechewing and elasticity
    Flavor Delicious taste with normalodor, no peculiar smell Delicious taste withan odor of shrimps, no peculiar smell Delicious taste with rightbalance of salty and sweet, strong smell of shrimp odorand vinasse aroma
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    表  2  热和HHP杀菌对糟卤虾仁理化指标的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of thermal and HHP treatments on the physicochemical properties of vinasse shrimps

    Treatment pH value w/(%) L* a* b* ΔE
    Control 6.80±0.01b 63.13±0.58b 64.98±1.66a 11.78±0.15a 11.74±0.39a
    85 ℃,20 min 6.84±0.02b 61.73±0.64a 62.67±1.70b 10.33±0.52b 10.31±0.53b 3.08
    550 MPa,10 min 6.81±0.02b 62.47±0.33a 66.24±0.72a 10.69±0.45b 10.73±0.15b 1.95
    Note:Different letters (a, b) in the same column indicate significant differences (P < 0.05)
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    表  3  热和HHP杀菌的糟卤虾仁感官评价结果

    Table  3.   ensory evaluation of thermal- and HHP-treated vinasse shrimps

    Treatment Pattern Color Softness Flavor Evaluation
    Control 8.00±0.93 8.50±0.93 9.75±0.46 9.85±0.52 9.03±0.71
    85 ℃,20 min 7.50±0.46 8.28±0.35 8.36±0.52 9.08±0.46 8.31±0.45
    550 MPa,10 min 7.75±0.52 9.07±0.92 9.42±0.53 8.87±0.83 8.78±0.70
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    表  4  贮藏期间糟卤虾仁理化指标变化

    Table  4.   Changes in the physico chemical properties of vinasse shrimps during storage

    Time/(d) Colony number pH value w/(%)
    550 MPa 85 ℃ 550 MPa 85 ℃ 550 MPa 85 ℃
    0 (3.6±1.60)×10 10 6.83±0.03 6.87±0.02 67.27±0.40 67.40±0.12
    7 (8.0±0.85)×10 (0.6±0.23)×10 6.82±0.01 6.85±0.01 67.80±0.35 66.80±0.35
    15 (7.0±1.63)×10 (0.3±0.10)×10 6.89±0.03 6.89±0.01 67.30±0.23 66.93±0.20
    22 (9.0±0.81)×10 (1.5±1.05)×10 6.88±0.03 6.87±0.01 66.80±0.29 63.89±0.12
    30 (4.1±0.81)×102 (1.3±0.58)×10 6.88±0.01 6.86±0.01 66.87±0.27 61.13±0.43
    45 (6.5±1.20)×102 (1.8±0.83)×10 6.83±0.01 6.83±0.01 65.87±0.42 60.80±0.67
    60 (2.9±0.50)×103 (3.0±1.00)×10 6.85±0.01 6.88±0.01 67.07±0.12 62.13±0.42
    90 (2.5±0.35)×104 (7.0±0.61)×10 6.82±0.01 6.84±0.01 64.93±0.50 61.93±0.61
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    表  5  贮藏期间糟卤虾仁感官评价结果

    Table  5.   Sensory evaluation of vinasse shrimps during storage

    Treatment Pattern Color Softness Flavor Evaluation
    85 ℃, 20 min 7.75±0.62 7.71±0.35 7.43±0.22 8.29±0.60 7.79±0.45
    550 MPa, 10 min 7.75±0.53 9.07±0.70 9.54±0.56 8.57±0.41 8.73±0.55
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