Diagnosis of Quasi-Static Evolution of Defects in Explosives Using X-Ray In-Line Phase-Contrast Imaging
摘要: 由于炸药具有弱吸收特性,利用传统的X射线成像技术难以获得质量较好的图像,因而无法对炸药内部的微小缺陷进行诊断。为提高炸药的X射线成像质量,采用X射线同轴相衬成像方法,获得了不同压力作用下高聚物粘结炸药(PBX)内部缺陷的一系列X射线相衬图像,从中清楚地观察到炸药内部缺陷从无到有、从小到大的准静态扩展过程,为研究高能炸药的热点形成机制提供技术支持。Abstract: In order to improve the X-ray image quality of the explosive, we performed experiments in which a series of X-ray phase contrast images of the defects in polymer bonded explosive (PBX) under different pressures were obtained using the X-ray in-line phase contrast imaging technology.In the images obtained, we clearly observed the quasi-static evolution of the defects.The results show that this method can provide technical support for better understanding the hot-spot formation mechanism of the explosives and help to overcome the difficulty involved in obtaining a satisfactory image of the explosive with traditional X-ray radiography due to its weak absorption, and consequently diagnosing the tiny defects in explosives.
Key words:
- X-ray /
- in-line phase-contrast imaging /
- polymer bonded explosive /
- defect /
- quasi-static
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