Simulation of Stress Wave Propagation in Constrained Explosives Based upon a Spectral-Element Method
摘要: 针对高速侵彻类战斗部在侵彻过程中的装药安定性以及在意外事故中的安全性问题,对约束结构内炸药在冲击加载下的应力波传播规律进行了模拟研究。计算了不同侵彻速度下弹体的冲击响应函数,并将具有高精度和低耗散特点的谱元法应用于约束结构内凝聚炸药中的应力波传播模拟;考虑炸药-金属界面的动摩擦特性,计算了冲击加载下由动摩擦引起的装药-壳体界面温升,以及装药内部的塑性功积累。成功地将谱元法应用于凝聚炸药中应力波传播过程的模拟,模拟结果对更准确地评估热点生成机制,以及进行装药安定性分析具有参考意义。Abstract: Stress wave propagation in the constrained explosive under shock loading was studied through simulation for the needs of both housing explosive stability in high-speed missiles and the security of weapons during accidents.The resistance forces of both missiles and housing explosive during the progress of penetration were calculated with different penetration velocities.A high-precision and low-dissipation spectral-element method was used to simulate the stress wave propagation in explosives under shock loading for the first time.The temperature rise caused by friction on the charge-shell interface was calculated with consideration of the friction property, and the plastic energy was also computed.The spectral-element method is successfully applied in the simulation of the stress wave propagation in constrained explosive, and the results can provide a reference to the analysis of housing explosive.
Material Density/(g/cm3) Cp/[J/kg·K)] C1/(km/s) C2/(km/s) Fr PBX 1.840 4 727.92 2.900 1.570 0.34 Note:Cp-Specific heat at constant pressure, C1-Elastic longitude wave velocity, C2-Elastic transverse wave velocity, Fr-Dynamic friction coefficient between the explosive and the steel. -
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