
王晓雪 丁雨晴 王晖

王晓雪, 丁雨晴, 王晖. 硝酸铷高压相变和物理性质的第一性原理研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(4): 040103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240776
引用本文: 王晓雪, 丁雨晴, 王晖. 硝酸铷高压相变和物理性质的第一性原理研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(4): 040103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240776
WANG Xiaoxue, DING Yuqing, WANG Hui. First-Principles Study of the High-Pressure Phase Transition and Physical Properties of Rubidium Nitrate[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(4): 040103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240776
Citation: WANG Xiaoxue, DING Yuqing, WANG Hui. First-Principles Study of the High-Pressure Phase Transition and Physical Properties of Rubidium Nitrate[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(4): 040103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240776


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240776
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11974135)

    王晓雪(1998-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事高压下凝聚态物质结构与物性的理论研究. E-mail:wx@fysik.cn


    王 晖(1981-),男,博士,教授,主要从事高压下凝聚态物质结构与物性的理论研究. E-mail:wh@fysik.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521.2; O469

First-Principles Study of the High-Pressure Phase Transition and Physical Properties of Rubidium Nitrate

  • 摘要: 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算,并结合CALYPSO晶体结构预测软件,系统地探索了零温下RbNO3的高压结构与物理性质。基于RbNO3-Ⅳ相的实验数据,比较了4种不同泛函的准确性,发现PBEsol泛函的准确性最高。基于该泛函预测到RbNO3在零温下的相变序列为R3mPnmaPmmn (实验Ⅴ相),相变压强依次为1.7 和8.2 GPa,2次相变均为一级相变,体积坍塌率分别为3.73%和2.54%。研究结果表明,低压下RbNO3可能存在有别于实验(常温常压下)给出的P31结构的低温新相。3个相在各自能量稳定的压强范围内均满足“伯恩-黄昆”弹性稳定性判据,且在整个布里渊区中均不存在声子虚频现象,表明它们均具有动力学稳定性。电子性质分析表明,3个相均为半导体,相变引起的带隙变化普遍较小,加压普遍地抑制了铷离子的电荷向硝酸根离子转移。所预测的高压相变序列及各个相的弹性、晶格动力学、电子结构性质可为后续实验与理论研究提供参考。


  • 图  R3mP31Pmmn相相对于Pnma相的热力学焓差曲线

    Figure  1.  Calculated enthalpy difference of R3m, P31 and Pmmn phases relative to Pnma as a function of pressure

    图  R3mPnmaP31Pmmn相的体积随压强的变化

    Figure  2.  Calculated volume of R3m, Pnma, P31 and Pmmn phases as a function of pressure

    图  R3mPnmaPmmn相的晶体结构

    Figure  3.  Crystal structures of R3m, Pnma, and Pmmn phase

    图  R3mPnmaPmmn相的声子色散曲线以及声子态密度

    Figure  4.  Phonon-dispersion curves and the PHDOS of R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phase

    图  R3mPnmaPmmn相的电子局域函数

    Figure  5.  Electron localization function of R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phase

    图  R3mPnmaPmmn相的COHP

    Figure  6.  Crystal orbital Hamilton populations of R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phase

    图  R3mPnmaPmmn相的能带结构和电子态密度

    Figure  7.  Band structures and partial densities of states of R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phases

    表  1  RbNO3-Ⅳ相的晶格常数的理论值与实验值的比较

    Table  1.   Comparison between experimental and calculated lattice parameters of RbNO3-Ⅳ phase

    Method Condition a c Volume/Å3
    Simulation PBE 10.68(+1.62%) 7.60(+1.88%) 867.56(+5.29%)
    vdW-DF 10.72(+2.00%) 7.62(+2.14%) 876.29(+6.35%)
    PBEsol 10.39(−1.14%) 7.39(−0.94%) 797.69(−3.19%)
    RPBE 11.14(+5.99%) 7.91(+6.03%) 982.63(+19.26%)
    Experiment T=296 K[24] 10.47 7.44 815.58
    T=298 K[25] 10.55 7.47 831.43
    Average 10.51 7.46 823.96
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    表  2  高压下R3mPnmaPmmn相的晶格参数和原子位置

    Table  2.   Lattice parameters and atomic coordinates of R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phases at different pressures

    Phase Pressure/GPa Lattice parameters Wyckoff positions
    R3m 0 a=b=5.64 Å, c=9.48 Å,
    α=β=90°, γ=120°
    Rb1: 3a(0.3333, 0.6667, 0.1699)
    N1: 3a(0.3333, 0.6667, 0.7275)
    O1: 9b(0.5373, 0.0746, 0.3953)
    Pnma 4 a=7.18 Å, b=5.61 Å, c=6.77 Å,
    Rb1: 4c(0.483, 0.250, 0.686)
    N1: 4c(0.350, 0.250, 0.122)
    O1: 4c(0.448, 0.250, 0.275)
    O5: 8d(0.302, 0.444, 0.043)
    Pmmn 12 a=4.67 Å, b=5.34 Å, c=4.63 Å,
    Rb1: 2b(0.500, 0, 0.400)
    N1: 2a(0, 0, 0.992)
    O1: 2a(0, 0, 0.721)
    O3: 4e(0, 0.204, 0.128)
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    表  3  高压下R3mPnmaPmmn相的弹性常数和弹性模量

    Table  3.   Elastic constant and elastic moduli of R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phase at high pressure GPa

    Phase Pressure C11 C12 C13 C14 C22 C23 C33 C44 C55 C66 B G E
    R3m 0 37 14 11 −4 13 7 12 15 7 19
    4 75 28 21 −8 39 6 23 35 11 29
    12 124 46 42 −15 94 12 39 66 19 52
    Pnma 0 22 7 9 41 9 32 7 10 9 16 10 24
    4 50 19 30 73 19 69 12 17 19 36 17 44
    12 96 43 59 129 35 119 19 −5 34 69 −57 −236
    Pmmn 0 26 9 9 50 16 54 15 5 5 21 10 26
    4 60 16 25 84 32 83 33 20 9 40 21 53
    12 113 25 53 143 59 129 60 37 16 72 35 91
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    表  4  高压下R3mPnmaPmmn相的元胞内的Bader电荷转移

    Table  4.   Calculated Bader charges within R3m, Pnma and Pmmn phases primitive cells at different pressures

    Phase Pressure/GPa Atoms Number Charge/e Charge transfer/e
    R3m 0 Rb 1 8.10 0.90
    N 1 4.16 0.84
    O 3 6.58 −0.58
    Pnma 4 Rb 4 8.13 0.87
    N 4 4.13 0.87
    O1 4 6.57 −0.57
    O2 4 6.58 −0.58
    O3 4 6.59 −0.59
    Pmmn 12 Rb 2 8.14 0.86
    N 2 4.07 0.93
    O1 2 6.58 −0.58
    O2 2 6.59 −0.59
    O3 2 6.62 −0.62
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