
张超霞 刘迎彬 胡晓艳 张增 薛瑞峰 杨丽 袁磊

张超霞, 刘迎彬, 胡晓艳, 张增, 薛瑞峰, 杨丽, 袁磊. Cu-Ni-Al和Cu聚能射流侵彻后钢靶的毁伤特征[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(3): 035101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200651
引用本文: 张超霞, 刘迎彬, 胡晓艳, 张增, 薛瑞峰, 杨丽, 袁磊. Cu-Ni-Al和Cu聚能射流侵彻后钢靶的毁伤特征[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(3): 035101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200651
ZHANG Chaoxia, LIU Yingbin, HU Xiaoyan, ZHANG Zeng, XUE Ruifeng, YANG Li, YUAN Lei. Damage Characteristics of Steel Targets Penetrated by Cu-Ni-Al and Cu Shaped Charge Jets[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(3): 035101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200651
Citation: ZHANG Chaoxia, LIU Yingbin, HU Xiaoyan, ZHANG Zeng, XUE Ruifeng, YANG Li, YUAN Lei. Damage Characteristics of Steel Targets Penetrated by Cu-Ni-Al and Cu Shaped Charge Jets[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(3): 035101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200651


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200651
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11802274)




  • 中图分类号: TJ410

Damage Characteristics of Steel Targets Penetrated by Cu-Ni-Al and Cu Shaped Charge Jets

  • 摘要: 为了对比分析Cu-Ni-Al反应聚能射流和惰性Cu聚能射流对45钢靶的宏观侵彻特性和靶板的微观组织特征,分别进行了Cu-Ni-Al和Cu药型罩的侵彻实验,并利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、能量色散光谱仪和Vickers显微硬度测量系统对回收钢靶进行表征。实验结果表明:Cu-Ni-Al反应射流对45钢的穿深与Cu射流相比明显降低,但其平均入口孔径提高了33.3%。两种聚能射流侵彻作用下钢靶中均存在残余射流区、白色区(马氏体和奥氏体的混合物)和变形区。与Cu射流相比,Cu-Ni-Al反应射流孔壁残余射流区的硬度值提高了34 MPa,孔壁尾部白色区的硬度值增加了95 MPa,其孔壁头部白色区的硬度值降低了28 MPa。两种聚能射流孔壁尾部白色区的硬度值均高于头部。研究结果可为评估反应材料药型罩聚能装药战斗部的毁伤效应提供一定的参考。


  • 图  粉末药型罩:(a)Cu-Ni-Al药型罩,(b)Cu药型罩

    Figure  1.  Powder shaped charge liner: (a) Cu-Ni-Al SCL, (b) Cu SCL

    图  聚能装药结构

    Figure  2.  Shaped charge device

    图  侵彻实验布置

    Figure  3.  Penetration experimental arrangement

    图  两种射流侵彻后钢靶的宏观特征:(a)Cu-Ni-Al,(b)Cu

    Figure  4.  Macroscopic features of steel targets penetrated by (a) Cu-Ni-Al and (b) Cu jet

    图  Cu-Ni-Al射流侵彻钢靶孔壁的OM图像:(a)孔壁头部区域,(b)孔壁尾部区域

    Figure  5.  OM images of the crater wall of steel targets penetrated by Cu-Ni-Al jet: (a) the head of the crater wall, (b) the tail of the crater wall

    图  Cu射流侵彻钢靶孔壁的OM图像:(a)孔壁头部区域,(b)孔壁头部射流冲刷区,(c)孔壁尾部区域

    Figure  6.  OM image of the crater wall of targets penetrated by Cu jet: (a) the head of the crater wall, (b) the scouring area of the jet in the head of the crater wall, (c) the tail of the crater wall

    图  两种射流孔壁尾部SEM/EDS点扫结果:(a)Cu-Ni-Al,(b)Cu

    Figure  7.  SEM/EDS point scanning results in the tail of the crater wall of two jets: (a) Cu-Ni-Al, (b) Cu

    图  两种射流孔壁尾部SEM/EDS线扫结果:(a) Cu-Ni-Al, (b) Cu

    Figure  8.  SEM/EDS line scanning results in the tail of the crater wall of two jets: (a) Cu-Ni-Al,(b) Cu

    图  Cu-Ni-Al和Cu射流侵彻钢靶孔壁的维氏显微硬度

    Figure  9.  Vickers microhardness of the crater wall of steel targets penetrated by Cu-Ni-Al and Cu jets

    表  1  粉末属性

    Table  1.   Properties of powders

    MaterialTheoretical density/(g·cm−3)ShapeGranularity/$ {\text{μ}}{\rm{m}}$Purity/%
    Nickel8.90Thorny rounded2−699.9
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    表  2  药型罩的相关参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of SCLs

    SCLNumberMass ratioMass/gρAMD/(g·cm−3)Height/mmThickness/mmDimension sizes/mmPorosity/%
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    表  3  45钢的化学成分及含量

    Table  3.   Chemical composition and content of 45 steel % 

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    表  4  两种药型罩的侵彻参数

    Table  4.   Penetration parameters of two different SCLs

    Average penetration
    Crater entrance
    Average crater
    entrance diameter/mm
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    表  5  两种药型罩侵彻钢靶后各影响区域的厚度参数

    Table  5.   Thickness parameters of the affected zones in steel targets penetrated by two different SCLs

    SCLPart of targetsThickness/μm
    Residual jet zone“White” zoneDeformation zoneTotal affected zone
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-12-08
  • 修回日期:  2021-01-06


