
刘靖晗 唐廷 韦灼彬 李凌锋

刘靖晗, 唐廷, 韦灼彬, 李凌锋. 水下爆炸作用下高桩码头毁伤效应的数值研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(4): 045101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190850
引用本文: 刘靖晗, 唐廷, 韦灼彬, 李凌锋. 水下爆炸作用下高桩码头毁伤效应的数值研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(4): 045101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190850
LIU Jinghan, TANG Ting, WEI Zhuobin, LI Lingfeng. Numerical Study of Damage Effect for High-Piled Wharf Subjected to Underwater Explosion[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(4): 045101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190850
Citation: LIU Jinghan, TANG Ting, WEI Zhuobin, LI Lingfeng. Numerical Study of Damage Effect for High-Piled Wharf Subjected to Underwater Explosion[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(4): 045101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190850


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20190850
基金项目: 军队后勤科研计划项目(CHJ13J006);大学科研资助立项项目(425517K210)

    刘靖晗(1992-),男,博士研究生,主要从事港口工程、防护工程研究. E-mail:1226001717@qq.com


    唐 廷(1980-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事港口工程、防护工程研究.E-mail:tangting1980@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O383

Numerical Study of Damage Effect for High-Piled Wharf Subjected to Underwater Explosion

  • 摘要: 为研究水下爆炸对高桩码头的毁伤作用,建立高桩码头全耦合模型,从冲击波传播和气泡脉动两个阶段,通过LS-DYNA程序对水下爆炸作用下高桩码头的毁伤过程进行研究,探讨了水下爆炸作用下高桩码头动态响应和破坏机理,分析了炸药当量对高桩码头毁伤现象的影响,通过高桩码头剩余承载力评估了不同炸药当量的毁伤效应。结果表明:高桩码头毁伤积累主要在气泡第1次膨胀阶段快速发展,在气泡第1次脉动结束后毁伤基本形成;桩基随气泡脉动产生周期性往复变形,桩基顶部和中部为抗爆性能最薄弱部位,桩基浅水区的毁伤程度大于深水区,码头面板和横、纵梁毁伤较弱;随着炸药当量增加,炸药近场桩基发生弯剪破坏,码头横、纵梁连接处以及码头面板相继出现不同程度损伤。


  • 图  码头模型三视图(单位:cm)

    Figure  1.  Three views of wharf model (Unit:cm)

    图  高桩码头计算区域

    Figure  2.  Calculation region of high-piled wharf

    图  有限元模型

    Figure  3.  Finite element model

    图  炸药及测点位置示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic of explosive and the measure points

    图  直桩的速度和加速度响应

    Figure  5.  Velocity and acceleration of straight pile

    图  斜桩的速度和加速度响应

    Figure  6.  Velocity and acceleration of oblique pile

    图  高桩码头毁伤和气泡脉动过程(Mark82)

    Figure  7.  Bubble pulse process and the damage process of the wharf (Mark82)

    图  直桩的速度和位移响应

    Figure  8.  Velocity and displacement of straight pile

    图  斜桩的速度和位移响应

    Figure  9.  Velocity and displacement of oblique pile

    图  10  冲击波和气泡脉动作用下高桩码头的毁伤

    Figure  10.  Damage of high-piled wharf subject to shock wave and bubble impulse

    图  11  高桩码头毁伤以及气泡脉动过程(Mark81)

    Figure  11.  Bubble pulse process and the damage process of the wharf (Mark81)

    图  12  高桩码头毁伤过程以及气泡脉动过程(Mark83)

    Figure  12.  Bubble pulse process and the damage process of the wharf (Mark83)

    图  13  重启动模型

    Figure  13.  Restart model

    表  1  材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters

    Materialρ/(kg·m−3)C0, C1 C2, C3C4C5C6E/(J·kg−1)
    Water1 0001 4802.56−1.9860.226 80.5
    Explosive1 6303.74 × 10117.33 × 1090.34.150.957
    Soil1 800168
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    表  2  数值模拟与理论结果比较

    Table  2.   Comparison of the numerical and theoretical results

    2 m4 m6 m8 mBlast faceBack blast faceBlast faceBack blast faceT/sRm/m
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    表  3  高桩码头毁伤评估

    Table  3.   Damage assessment of high-piled wharf

    W/kgFxmax/cmtxmax/sDamage phenomenonDDamage
    61.291.1429.40.12The middle and top part of the pile are slightly damaged.
    The bottom of the pile is slightly damaged.
    The connection of beams and piles is slightly damaged.
    The longitudinal beam and the wharf panel are not damaged.
    117.451.4257.70.15The middle part and the blasting face in top part of pile are damaged, and the reinforcement is exposed.
    The bottom of the pile is slightly damaged.
    The connection of beams and piles is slightly damaged.
    272.701.88113.90.25The concrete at the top and middle of the pile are completely damaged, and the reinforcement is exposed.
    the bottom of the pile, longitudinal beam, transverse beamand panel are all damaged.
    The connection of beams and piles is damaged.
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