Progress in Preparation of Transparent Ceramics under High Pressure
摘要: 透明陶瓷是一种具有广阔应用前景的新一代无机非金属材料。本文介绍一种非传统的透明陶瓷制备方法——超高压烧结。相对于传统的制备方法,超高压烧结具有烧结温度低、烧结时间短、致密度高、抑制晶粒长大等特点,对制备纳米结构透明陶瓷具有独特的优势。着重介绍了近年来超高压烧结透明陶瓷的研究成果和进展,包括钇铝石榴石(YAG)、镁铝尖晶石、氧化铝等常见透明陶瓷的超高压低温烧结,以及纳米聚晶金刚石(NPD)、B-C-N、Si3N4等超硬透明陶瓷的高温高压制备,并对透明陶瓷的高压烧结机理进行分析和总结。Abstract: Transparent ceramics is a novel kind of inorganic non-metallic materials with a prospect of broad applications.In the present paper we present a novel method-ultra-high pressure sintering-for fabricating transparent ceramics, characterized by its low sintering temperature, short sintering time, high density and inhibition of grain growth which, compared with the sintering methods traditionally adopted, offers unique advantages in the preparation of nano-structured transparent ceramics.We reviewed the latest progresses made in the ultra-high pressure sintering of transparent ceramics, including the ultra-high pressure sintering of YAG, spinel and alumina under low temperature, and the ultra-high pressure synthesis of nano polycrystalline diamond (NPD), B-C-N, Si3N4 under high temperature, and analyzed and summarized the high pressure sintering mechanism of transparent ceramics.
Key words:
- transparent ceramics /
- nanoceramic /
- ultra-high pressure /
- sintering
图 5 (a) 超高压处理后的样品照片(插图为素坯); (b)切薄、抛光后的样品在反射光下能看见蓝十字; (c)切薄、抛光后的样品在透射光下能看见蓝线[62]
Figure 5. (a) Image of high pressure compacted spinel after recovery from high pressure cell (The inset shows the green impact.); (b) image of blue cross-hair visible below thinned and polished spinel using reflected light; (c) image of blue line below thinned and polished spinel using transmitted light[62]
图 13 在5.0GPa、不同温度下烧结的氧化铝陶瓷样品金相显微图像及光学图像
(样品厚度为0.6mm; (a)、(b)、(c)为纯微米球形粉体烧结样品,(d)、(e)、(f)为混合粉体烧结样品; (a)和(d)的烧结条件为5.0GPa、700℃; (b)和(e)的烧结条件为5.0GPa、900℃; (c)和(f)的烧结条件为5.0GPa、1100℃)[89]
Figure 13. Metallographic and corresponding optical images of alumina ceramic sintered at 5.0GPa and various temperatures
(The sample thickness is 0.6mm; (a), (b) and (c) are samples sintered with pure spherical powder, and (d), (e) and (f) are samples sintered with mixed powder; (a) and (d) are samples sintered at 5.0GPa and 700℃, (b) and (e) are samples sintered at 5.0GPa and 900℃; (c) and (f) are samples sintered at 5.0GPa and 1100℃.)[89]
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