Numerical Simulation of Interference Effect of Wedge-Shaped Charge on Jet
摘要: 利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA模拟了楔形装药和平板装药对射流的干扰过程,分析了不同楔形角度和装药量对射流的头部速度以及偏转角、杵体速度等数据的影响,并与平板装药的模拟结果对比。结果表明:楔形装甲对射流头部的干扰作用与平板装药相同,但对射流杵体的干扰不同。楔形平板的运动是由板平动和转动组成的二维运动;当楔形角度为正时,楔形装药对射流切割效果较平板装药好,可使射流头部偏转增大,速度减缓,杵体速度减缓,且这种效果随着楔形角度的增加而增加;此外,楔形角度确定后,随着楔形装药量的提高,侵彻位置向楔形上端偏移,接触靶板时间滞后,杵体断裂时间提前,板旋转减弱。
- 楔形装药 /
- 平板装药 /
- 爆炸装甲 /
Abstract: The process of wedge-shaped charge's interference effect and that of sandwich charge's on the jet were numerically simulated using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software.The influence of the wedge angle and that of the charge mass on the velocity and the declination angle of the jet head, the velocity of the slug were analyzed and discussed.Comparison of the obtained results with those of the sandwich charge shows that the interference effects of the wedge-shape charge and the sandwich charge on the jet head are very much alike but their interference effects on the jet slug are different.The movement of the wedge shaped flying-plates can be seen as a 2D composite motion of translation and rotation.When the wedge angle is positive, the cutting jet effect of the wedge-shaped charge is better than that of the sandwich charge.In this case, the deflection of the jet head increases, the velocity of the jet slug decreases, and the effect is enhanced with the increase of the wedge angle.Moreover, as the charge mass increases under the condition that the angle remains unchanged, the contact position of the jet head gradually shifts to the front of the target, the contact time delays, the breakup time of the jet slug arrives earlier, and the rotation of the plates slows down.-
Key words:
- wedge-shaped charge /
- sandwich charge /
- explosive reactive armor (ERA) /
表 1 楔形装药设定数据
Table 1. Experiment data of wedge-shaped charge
No. Charge type a/mm b/mm θ/(°) m/g 1 Sandwich 4 4 0 164.16 2 Wedge-shaped 3 5 0.5 164.16 3 Wedge-shaped 5 3 -0.5 164.16 4 Wedge-shaped 2 6 1.0 164.16 5 Wedge-shaped 6 2 -1.0 164.14 6 Wedge-shaped 2 4 0.5 123.12 7 Wedge-shaped 4 6 0.5 205.20 表 2 材料基本参数
Table 2. Material parameters
Material ρ/(g·cm-3) E/GPa γ0 A/MPa B/MPa C n m Cu 8.96 47.8 0.90 292 300 0.025 0.310 1.09 Steel 7.85 77.0 1.35 362 180 0.087 0.568 1.00 表 3 主装药材料基本参数
Table 3. Parameters of main explosive
ρe/(g·cm-3) AJWL/MPa BJWL/MPa R1 R2 ω D/(m·s-1) 1.72 3.74×105 3 300 4.5 0.95 0.3 8 930 表 4 夹层装药材料基本参数
Table 4. Parameters of confined explosive
pCJ/GPa ρ0/(g·cm-3) I/μs-1 G1/(μs·GPa-1) a c y D/(km·s-1) G2/(μs·GPa-1) b d z g λG2, min 27 1.717 4.4×1011 310 0 0.667 1.0 6.93 4.0×104 0.667 0.111 2.0 1.0 0 表 5 不同工况下射流侵彻后效靶板数据
Table 5. Penetration data under different work conditions
No. tc/μs tb/μs Lp/mm θf/(°) 1 140 208 20.0 0.66 2 138 196 25.5 25.68 3 147 192 18.0 22.12 4 138 223 28.8 41.66 5 149 225 11.4 41.44 6 133 220 30.2 20.85 7 157 192 14.1 14.98 -
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