Influence of Plexiglass-Air Interlayer Structure on Foundation Vibration of Small Pool Underwater Explosion
摘要: 为了研究有机玻璃-空气层结构对水下爆炸振动的影响, 采用NUBOX-6016爆破振动测试仪监测小水池(直径5.5 m、高3.62 m)中该结构下水下爆炸引起的地基振动信号, 研究不同空气层厚度对最大振动速度的影响; 基于Matlab软件编写相关程序对测得的振动信号进行Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT), 分析不同空气层厚度对振动信号全局频率的影响。结果表明:对于有机玻璃-空气层结构, 随着空气层厚度的增加, 最大振动速度呈先减小后增大的趋势, 当空气层厚度为120 mm时隔振效果最佳; 通过对振动信号的HHT分析得到全局频率所对应的幅值, 5~15 Hz低频区间段的幅值衰减较明显, 且振动作用时间缩短, 能够有效防止水下爆炸与建/构筑物之间产生共振现象。所得试验结果及分析对水下爆破工程防护及军事舰艇防雷仓结构设计等具有一定参考价值。
- 水下爆炸 /
- 有机玻璃-空气层结构 /
- 爆炸振动 /
- Hilbert-Huang变换
Abstract: To study the influence of the plexiglass-air interlayer structure on underwater explosion vibration, the foundation vibration signals for this structure caused by underwater explosion in the small pool (5.5 m in diameter and 3.62 m in height), the influence of different air interlayer thicknesses on the maximum vibration velocity was studied, HHT (Hilbert-Huang Transform) was used to analyze the vibration test signals by writing relevant programs based on Matlab software, studying the influence of different air interlayer thickness on the global frequency of vibration signals.Experimental results show that:under the condition of plexiglass-air interlayer structure, with the increase of air interlayer thickness, the maximum vibration velocity decreases first and then increases, and the vibration isolation effect is the best when the thickness is 120 mm.The amplitude corresponding to the global frequency can be obtained by means of HHT analysis, the amplitude attenuation of the 5-15 Hz low frequency section is obvious, the action time is shortened, which can effectively prevent the resonance phenomenon between the building and structure.The experimental results and analysis have certain theoretical reference value for underwater blasting engineering protection and structural design of lightning protection bunker for military ship. -
表 1 不同距离、不同厚度空气层对水下爆炸振动的影响
Table 1. Influence of distances and thickness of air interlayer on underwater explosion vibration
Distance/m Direction Main vibration frequency/Hz Maximum vibration velocity/(cm·s-1) ∅40 mm ∅80 mm ∅120 mm ∅160 mm ∅40 mm ∅80 mm ∅120 mm ∅160 mm 1 z 56.763 56.763 56.763 56.763 0.086 0.070 0.054 0.070 2 z 56.763 56.763 56.763 44.556 0.118 0.097 0.082 0.101 3 z 56.763 56.763 56.763 56.763 0.080 0.071 0.061 0.086 表 2 不同距离、不同厚度水隔层对水下爆炸振动的影响
Table 2. Influence of distances and thickness of water interlayer on underwater explosion vibration
Distance/m Direction Main vibration frequency/Hz Maximum vibration velocity/(cm·s-1) ∅40 mm ∅80 mm ∅120 mm ∅160 mm ∅40 mm ∅80 mm ∅120 mm ∅160 mm 1 z 62.256 62.256 62.256 56.763 0.086 0.169 0.184 0.185 2 z 62.256 62.256 62.256 62.256 0.155 0.145 0.160 0.161 3 z 62.256 62.256 62.256 62.256 0.101 0.097 0.107 0.116 表 3 信号经EMD分解后相关参数
Table 3. Related parameters of the signal by EMD decomposition
IMF Variance Proportion/% C1 0 1.646 3 C2 0 0.862 9 C3 0 0.626 8 C4 0.000 1 70.307 9 C5 0 20.200 7 C6 0 2.208 9 C7 0 1.254 8 C8 0 1.081 4 C9 0 1.719 6 C10 0 0.015 0 C11 0 0.060 6 C12 0 0.015 0 -
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