In Situ Measurement of the Cupping Deformation of Diamond Anvil under High Pressures
摘要: 基于白光频域干涉的基本原理,提出了一种可实现高压下金刚石压砧杯型形变原位测量的方法。简单介绍了利用频域干涉技术测量金刚石压砧在高压下的杯型形变的基本原理,并开展了实验研究,实验最高压力达到42.1GPa。实验结果显示,金刚石压砧的杯型形变与压力呈线性关系,最大值达到11.1μm,从实验上证实了最近的有限元数值模拟结果。Abstract: In this research we presented a novel method based on frequency domain interferometry to in situ measure the cupping deformation of diamond anvils under high pressures.First we introduced the working principle of the cupping deformation measurements based on the frequency domain interferometry, and then we carried out the experiments under high pressures.The cupping deformation of diamond anvils is obtained under high pressures up to 42.1GPa, and its maximum value reaches 11.1μm.The experimental results show that the cupping deformation increases linearly with the pressure.Our work verify the recent finite element modeling calculations.
Key words:
- high pressure /
- frequency domain interferometry /
- diamond anvil /
- cupping deformation
表 1 线性拟合结果
Table 1. Linear fitting results
Fitting data Intercept/
μmStandard error ofintercept Slope/
(μm·GPa-1)Standard error ofslope R2 FEM calculation 0.1268 0.1058 0.2404 0.0039 0.9961 Experimental data 0.4766 0.3846 0.2350 0.0136 0.9772 -
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