Mechanical and Thermodynamic Properties for Cubic BC3 under High Pressure
摘要: 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理赝势方法,系统地研究了立方BC3在常压和高压下的晶格常数和力学性质,包括弹性常数、弹性模量和力学各向异性。利用准简谐近似下的德拜模型研究了高温高压条件下的热力学性质。研究结果表明:常压下立方BC3具有较大的弹性模量和力学各向异性;高压下,立方BC3的晶格常数、弹性常数和弹性模量显著增加。热力学性质的计算结果表明,立方BC3具有较高的德拜温度,其摩尔定容热容和摩尔定压热容在高温高压条件下呈现明显的变化。立方BC3的德拜温度随着压力的增大而增加,但随着温度的增大而明显减小。Abstract: The lattice constant and mechanical properties of cubic BC3 under ambient and high pressure, including the elastic constants, the elastic modulus, and the mechanical anisotropy, were investigated using the first principle method in the framework of the density functional theory.The thermodynamic properties under high temperature and high pressure were calculated in terms of the quasi-harmonic Debye model.The results obtained show that the cubic BC3 possesses a large elastic modulus and a high degree of anisotropy under ambient pressure.Under high pressure, the lattice constant, elastic constants, and elastic modulus of cubic BC3 increase significantly.The results obtained from the thermodynamic calculations suggest that the cubic BC3 has a large Debye temperature, and the molar heat capacity at constant volume and pressure exhibits obvious variation under high temperature and high pressure.Meanwhile, The Debye temperature of cubic BC3 increases with the increase of pressure, but decreases with the increase of temperature.
Key words:
- first principle /
- cubic BC3 /
- high pressure /
- mechanical properties /
- thermodynamic properties
表 1 不同压力下立方BC3的体弹性模量、剪切模量和杨氏模量
Table 1. Bulk modulus, shear modulus, and Young's modulus for cubic BC3 under pressure
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