Experimental Research on Ignition and Burning of Heterogeneous Explosives under Drop-Weight Impact
摘要: 对落锤实验装置进行改进,由落锤直接撞击炸药样品改为使落锤先撞击上击柱,再由上击柱对颗粒炸药样品进行加载。采用改进的落锤实验装置,结合高速数字相机和PVDF压力计测量,实时记录了以HMX为基的黏结炸药在低速撞击条件下的响应过程图像及其压力变化过程。结果表明:非均匀炸药在低压长脉冲加载下基本都要经历压实→塑性扩展→颗粒破碎→形成局部高温区域→点火→燃烧→熄灭的典型非冲击点火过程,但由于炸药在细观尺度上存在不均匀性,导致相同实验条件下不同样品中局部高温区域点火出现的位置、持续时间以及反应强度都存在差异。Abstract: In this work we presented an improved form of the drop-weight system in which, instead of being impacted directly by the drop weight, the sample was impacted by the upper anvil which was beforehand impacted by the drop weight.Based on this improved drop-weight system, the ignition and burning processes of HMX based plastic bonded explosives were recorded by a high-speed camera at the microsecond time scale.The experiment results indicate that, under low pressure and long pulse loading, heterogeneous explosives mainly undergo the process of compression→plastic flow→particle breaking→formation of local high temperature region→initiation→burning→quenching, which is a typical non-shock initiation process.But, because the explosive is heterogeneous at the mesoscale, the location of the high temperature region, the reaction duration and the reaction violence of heterogeneous explosive samples are different from each other under the same experimental conditions.
Key words:
- ignition /
- drop-weight impact /
- heterogeneous explosive
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