A Simplified Model for Long Rod of Ultra-High Speed Perforation onto Ceramic/Metal Target
摘要: 基于合理简化假设建立快捷实用的工程分析模型是研究复合靶板抗弹体冲击能力的重要方法。已有弹体冲击陶瓷/金属复合靶板理论模型的形式及计算过程复杂,并且缺少弹体超高速(弹体初速大于1 500 m/s)贯穿复合靶板的实验验证。综合考虑弹体侵彻破碎陶瓷锥体过程中破碎陶瓷强度的下降、弹体初速对破碎陶瓷锥半锥角取值的影响,以及金属背板挠曲变形对弹体侵彻破碎陶瓷锥的影响,基于半流体动力学Alekseevskii-Tate(A-T)模型建立了预测弹体超高速贯穿陶瓷/金属复合靶板残余速度的简化分析模型。通过与实验数据以及基于LS-DYNA有限元分析软件开展的钨合金长杆弹(初速1 800~2 600 m/s)贯穿Al2O3陶瓷/RHA钢复合靶板数值模拟结果对比,验证了简化分析模型、数值模型及其相应参数的正确性和适用性。进一步基于简化模型,在总厚度或总面密度一定的条件下,讨论了4种陶瓷面板(Al2O3、AlN、SiC、B4C)和两种金属背板(RHA钢、铝)复合靶板的弹道性能。Abstract: A quick and practical engineering analysis model based on the reasonably simplified hypothesis is an important means to study the ballistic performance of the ceramic/metal targets.The available detailed theoretical models have to carry out complex calculation and rarely are made comparisons with the residual velocity of the projectile perforating ceramic/metal targets under the condition of ultra-high speed (with the projectile muzzle velocity greater than 1 500 m/s).In this study, considering the decrease of the strength of fractured ceramic during the penetration of the projectile into fractured conical ceramic, the effect of the projectile's initial velocity on the value of the half conical angle, and the influence of the metal plate's deflection on the long rod of ultra-high speed penetrating the fractured conical ceramic, based on the semi-fluid dynamics Alekseevskii-Tate (A-T) model, a simplified model predicting the residual velocity of the long rod of ultra-high speed perforating ceramic/metal target was proposed.By comparing with the experiment data and the simulation results of the tungsten long rod (1 800-2 600 m/s) perforating Al2O3/RHA steel target carried out on the LS-DYNA finite element analysis software, the correctness and applicability of the proposed simplified model, the numerical model and its corresponding parameters were validated.Furthermore, based on the simplified model, the ballistic performance of composite targets consisting of 4 ceramic facing plates (Al2O3, AlN, SiC, B4C) and 2 metallic backing plates (RHA steel, aluminum), under the condition of certain thickness and certain areal density was discussed.
Key words:
- long rod /
- ultra-high speed /
- perforation /
- ceramic/metal /
- model
Material ρ/(kg/m3) G/(GPa) A/(GPa) B/(GPa) n c m TM/(K) TR/(K) $ {{\dot \varepsilon }_0}$/(s-1) C/(m/s) s1 s2 s3 γ0 Tungsten alloy 17 550 137 1.51 0.177 0.12 0.016 1.0 1 498 294 10-6 3 850 1.44 0 0 1.58 RHA steel 7 850 77 0.95 0.611 0.26 0.014 1.0 1 703 294 10-6 4 578 1.33 0 0 1.67 Material ρ/
(GPa)c M N $ {{\dot \varepsilon }_0}$/
(GPa)D1 D2 K1/
(GPa)FS AD97 3 780 90.16 1.0 0.31 0 0.6 0.6 10-6 0.2 5.3 2.9 0.02 0.83 228.6 191.4 111.5 1.0 表 3 弹体残余速度及残余长度的数值模拟结果与实验数据[16]对比
Table 3. Comparison of residual velocity and length of projectile in simulations with experiment data[16]
Exp. No. v0/
(m/s)State of ceramic plate Residual velocity/(m/s) Error of residual velocity/(%) Residual length/(mm) Error of residual length/(%) Exp. Sim. Exp. Sim. 1 2 667 Confined -(a) 2 597.0 - - 52.1 - 2 2 682 Confined 2 569 2 608.0 1.52 53.8 48.6 9.66 3 1 862 Confined 1 676 1 739.7 3.80 41.6 41.9 0.72 4 1 863 Confined 1 674 1 740.0 3.94 40.7 42.8 5.16 5 2 681 Unconfined 2 597 2 613.3 0.63 58.3 55.2 5.32 6 2 669 Unconfined 2 575 2 603.3 1.09 41.8(b) 56.3 (b) 7 1 831 Unconfined 1 668 1 722.6 3.27 46.7 48.5 3.85 8 2 691 Unconfined 2 586 2 618.1 1.24 58.2 53.6 7.90 Note:(a) No image was found on film;
(b) A relatively high yaw gave a shorter residual length[16]. -
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