A Dynamic Constitutive Model of Anisotropic Material in Three-Dimensional Strain and Its Application in the Simulation of Thermal Shock Wave Induced by X-Ray Radiation
摘要: 基于三维应变条件下的应力-应变关系,利用Grüneisen物态方程、PUFF物态方程以及Tsai-Hill屈服准则和Johnson-Cook强度模型,建立了正交各向异性复合材料的三维动态本构模型。在此基础上,对一种碳酚醛材料在高能脉冲X射线辐照下所产生的热击波传播现象进行了三维模拟,得到了热击波模拟结果,并将各向异性本构模型与各向同性本构模型的模拟结果进行对比。分析表明,各向异性本构模型不仅反映了固体材料各向异性的特点,而且还能描述材料转变为气体后的动力学行为。模型的建立为各向异性复合材料在脉冲辐照环境下的应用打下重要的理论基础。Abstract: Based on the stress-strain relationship in three-dimensional condition, we established a dynamic constitutive model of an anisotropic composite material using the Grüneisen, PUFF equations of state, Tsai-Hill yield criterion and the Johnson-Cook stress model and then simulated the thermal shock wave propagation induced by a high energy density X-ray impulse in a C/TF material.The results for the anisotropic constitutive model and the isotropic constitutive model were compared, and the analysis show that the anisotropic constitutive model proposed in this study can not only reflect the anisotropy of the material, but also describe the dynamic behavior of the vaporized material.Our model lays an important theoretical foundation for the application of anisotropic composite material in irradiation environment.
Key words:
- anisotropic material /
- constitutive model /
- X-ray thermal shock wave
表 1 C/TF材料的物态方程参数
Table 1. Equation-of-state parameters of C/TF material
c0/(km/s) ρ0/(g/cm3) s Γ0 γ es/(kJ/g) 2.35 1.38 1.66 2.32 1.4 5.15 表 2 C/TF材料的弹性参数
Table 2. Elastic parameters of C/TF material
E1/(GPa) E2/(GPa) E3/(GPa) G12/(GPa) G23/(GPa) G31/(GPa) ν12 ν23 ν31 ν21 ν32 ν13 6.96 5.45 4.87 3.5 2.6 2.8 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.235 0.235 0.40 表 3 C/TF材料的塑性参数
Table 3. Plastic parameters of C/TF material
Y110/(GPa) Y220/(GPa) Y330/(GPa) Y120/(GPa) Y230/(GPa) Y310/(GPa) a11 a22 a33 a12 a23 a31 n11 n22 n33 n12 n23 n31 β 0.12 0.063 0.17 0.07 0.08 0.10 15.0 11.0 8.5 13.0 10.0 11.8 0.86 0.70 0.87 0.78 0.79 0.86 0.021 8 -
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