Simultaneous Measurement of Sound Velocity and Temperature of Single Crystal NaCl under Shock Loading
摘要: 基于二级轻气炮和多通道辐射高温计,测量了45~85 GPa压力范围内NaCl单晶的B2相区、B2-液相混合相区和液相区的高压声速和温度。通过高压声速数据,确定了NaCl单晶的冲击熔化压力区间为58~67 GPa。当压力为67 GPa时,NaCl单晶的冲击熔化温度为3 740 K。计算了NaCl单晶的等熵体模量、Grüneisen系数和定容比热容,对比分析了多种模型对Grüneisen系数高压演化特性的描述。结果显示,根据吴强模型计算的Grüneisen系数不但在液相区与冲击压缩实验结果吻合得非常好,而且在低压区也与金刚石压砧实验结果及有限应变计算结果吻合得非常好。
- 冲击加载 /
- NaCl /
- 声速 /
- 冲击温度 /
- Grüneisen系数
Abstract: Based on a two-stage light gas gun and a multi-channel time-resolved pyrometer, we simultaneously measured the shock temperatures and sound velocities of B2, B2-liquid and liquid phase NaCl single crystal in the pressure range from 45 GPa to 85 GPa.According to these sound velocities, the shock melting pressure region was determined to be 58-67 GPa, and the shock melting point obtained was 3 740 K at 67 GPa.Furthermore, we calculated the isentropic bulk modulus, the Grüneisen parameter, and the specific heat capacity under constant pressure and compared the experimental results with the previously published data.The Grüneisen parameter calculated by Wuqiang model has an excellent agreement with both the shock compression experiment data in the liquid region and the diamond anvil cell experiment data and the finite strain theory calculation results in the low pressure region.-
Key words:
- shock loading /
- NaCl /
- sound velocity /
- shock temperature /
- Grüneisen parameter
表 1 实验参数
Table 1. Experimental parameters
Exp.No. w/(km/s) hf/(mm) hs/(mm) NaCl-01 4.537 1.186±0.001 10.038±0.010 NaCl-03 5.218 1.216±0.001 10.035±0.005 NaCl-04 4.943 1.217±0.001 10.001±0.006 NaCl-05 4.945 1.218±0.001 10.055±0.003 NaCl-06 5.605 1.218±0.001 10.070±0.002 NaCl-07 4.754 1.242±0.001 10.041±0.005 NaCl-08 4.320 1.231±0.001 10.031±0.012 NaCl-09 4.079 1.240±0.001 10.103±0.010 表 2 NaCl的高压声速实验结果
Table 2. High pressure sound velocity measurement results of NaCl
Exp.No. w/(km/s) p/(GPa) Cl, sL/(km/s) Cl, sE/(km/s) CbE/(km/s) δCbE/(%) NaCl-01 4.537 58.5 13.993±0.385 7.970±0.224 NaCl-03 5.218 72.6 14.230±0.335 7.915±0.200 7.954 0.5 NaCl-04 4.943 67.0 13.656±0.317 7.735±0.180 7.758 0.3 NaCl-05 4.945 67.1 13.654±0.317 7.733±0.179 7.775 0.6 NaCl-06 5.605 80.8 15.013±0.361 8.150±0.194 8.201 0.6 NaCl-07 4.754 62.8 13.882±0.379 7.909±0.219 NaCl-08 4.320 54.3 13.310±0.379 7.779±0.219 NaCl-09 4.079 49.8 12.874±0.341 7.639±0.202 表 3 NaCl的冲击温度实验结果
Table 3. Shock temperature measurement results of NaCl
Exp.No. w/(km/s) p/(GPa) T/(K) ε δT/(%) NaCl-01 4.537 58.5 3 724 0.24 12.7 NaCl-03 5.218 72.6 4 420 1.00 5.8 NaCl-04 4.943 67.0 3 742 0.95 8.2 NaCl-05 4.945 67.1 3 738 0.96 5.0 NaCl-06 5.605 80.8 5 000 0.92 9.5 NaCl-07 4.754 62.8 3 735 0.30 13.5 NaCl-08 4.320 54.3 3 649 0.36 9.0 NaCl-09 4.079 49.8 3 366 0.41 8.5 表 4 液相区NaCl的等熵体模量和Grüneisen系数
Table 4. Isentropic bulk modulus and Grüneisen parameter of liquid NaCl
Exp.No. p/(GPa) BS/(GPa) γ δγ/(%) This study (Eq.(10)) Wu model (Eq.(20)) NaCl-03 72.6 243.8 0.851 0.827 2.8 NaCl-04 67.0 228.7 0.865 0.841 2.8 NaCl-05 67.1 228.6 0.868 0.841 3.1 NaCl-06 80.8 264.9 0.841 0.810 3.7 -
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