
刘曦 代立东 邓力维 范大伟 刘琼 倪怀玮 孙樯 巫翔 杨晓志 翟双猛 张宝华 张莉 李和平

刘曦, 代立东, 邓力维, 范大伟, 刘琼, 倪怀玮, 孙樯, 巫翔, 杨晓志, 翟双猛, 张宝华, 张莉, 李和平. 近十年我国在地球内部物质高压物性实验研究方面的主要进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2017, 31(6): 657-681. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2017.06.001
引用本文: 刘曦, 代立东, 邓力维, 范大伟, 刘琼, 倪怀玮, 孙樯, 巫翔, 杨晓志, 翟双猛, 张宝华, 张莉, 李和平. 近十年我国在地球内部物质高压物性实验研究方面的主要进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2017, 31(6): 657-681. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2017.06.001
LIU Xi, DAI Li-Dong, DENG Li-Wei, FAN Da-Wei, LIU Qiong, NI Huai-Wei, SUN Qiang, WU Xiang, YANG Xiao-Zhi, ZHAI Shuang-Meng, ZHANG Bao-Hua, ZHANG Li, LI He-Ping. Recent Progresses in Some Fields of High-Pressure Physics Relevant to Earth Sciences Achieved by Chinese Scientists[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2017, 31(6): 657-681. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2017.06.001
Citation: LIU Xi, DAI Li-Dong, DENG Li-Wei, FAN Da-Wei, LIU Qiong, NI Huai-Wei, SUN Qiang, WU Xiang, YANG Xiao-Zhi, ZHAI Shuang-Meng, ZHANG Bao-Hua, ZHANG Li, LI He-Ping. Recent Progresses in Some Fields of High-Pressure Physics Relevant to Earth Sciences Achieved by Chinese Scientists[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2017, 31(6): 657-681. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2017.06.001


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.2017.06.001

中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类) XDB18000000

中国科学技术部国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFC0600408

中国科学技术部国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFC0601101

中国科学技术部国家科技基础条件平台项目 2013FY110900-3

国家自然科学基金 41374096


    刘曦(1971-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事与地球有关的高压矿物物理、实验岩石学、实验地球化学研究.E-mail:xi.liu@pku.edu.cn


    李和平(1963-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事地球内部物质高温高压实验研究. E-mail:liheping@vip.gyig.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521; P313

Recent Progresses in Some Fields of High-Pressure Physics Relevant to Earth Sciences Achieved by Chinese Scientists

  • 摘要: 近十年中国主要地学科研院所都将高温高压实验研究领域作为重点发展学科方向,加大人才引进力度,促进了地学领域高压物理实验研究的快速发展。本文借《高压物理学报》创刊30周年之际,对最近十年由中国科学家主导的、与地球科学联系紧密的相关高压物理研究成果进行了总结和梳理,所涉及的研究方向主要有:下地幔的有关相变、下地幔矿物中铁的自旋态转变、地核物性、岩石电性测量、矿物电性测量、矿物状态方程、高压谱学、高压扩散、高压超声、硅酸盐熔体物理性质、地质流体等。总体来说,过去十年是中国地学高压物理研究飞速发展的十年,研究成果的数量、重要性和显示度都有较大突破,在国际上占有重要地位。这种快速发展势头仅仅是开始,未来十年将是中国地学高压物理研究发展过程中的关键十年,需要各位同仁共同砥砺前行。


  • 图  同步辐射XRD与激光加温DAC技术相结合探测地幔深部的矿物相变及其物理化学性质

    Figure  1.  Synchrotron radiation XRD coupled with laser-heated DAC, aiming at the phase transitions and physical-chemical properties of Earth materials in the deep mantle

    图  Fe不同价态和自旋态的电子结构信息示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic electron structures of iron with different charge and spin states

    图  超声干涉法测量示意图[191-192]((a)常压; (b)高压)

    Figure  3.  Schematic illustration for ultrasonic interferometric measurements[191-192]((a) ambient pressure; (b) high pressure)

    表  1  PCM过去40年发表论文情况以及来自中国的论文

    Table  1.   Papers published by PCM in the last 40 years and China's contribution

    Time interval Paper-total Paper-China China's ranking
    1978-1987 601 3 21st
    1988-1997 748 5 21st
    1998-2007 764 15 14th
    2008-2017* 668 80 5th
    Note:* represents the data gathered using Web of Knowledge on June 23, 2017.
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    表  2  近年来关于壳幔矿物导电性的代表性实验研究

    Table  2.   Selected experimental studies on electrical properties of crust and mantle minerals, conducted in recent years

    Pressure range Mineral Representative papers
    Crust Clinopyroxene
    Ref.[56, 76-79]
    Upper mantle Clinopyroxene
    Ref.[79, 87-89]
    Transition zone Wadsleyite
    Majorite garnet
    Ref.[96, 98, 100]
    Ref.[97, 101]
    Lower mantle Bridgmanite
    D″ layer Post-perovskite Ref.[102]
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    表  3  近5年(2013-2017)国内主要课题组获得的部分地球内部矿物状态方程研究成果

    Table  3.   Some experimental results on equation of state of crust and mantle minerals by some Chinese research groups (2013-2017)

    Sample Component Experimental method Experimental condition References
    Mg1.8Fe0.2SiO4 BLS, XRD 27 GPa, 900 K Ref. [113]
    Olivine Mg1.83Fe0.17SiO4 Single-XRD 10 GPa Ref. [114]
    Mg2SiO4 Single-XRD 10 GPa Ref. [114]
    Aegirine Single-XRD 60 GPa Ref. [115]
    Pyroxene Augite Single-XRD 27 GPa, 700 K Ref. [116]
    Hypersthene Powder-XRD 10 GPa Ref. [117]
    Spe38Alm62 Powder-XRD 16.2 GPa, 800 K Ref. [118]
    Spe64Alm36 Powder-XRD 15.5 GPa, 800 k Ref. [118]
    Garnet Grs50And50 Powder-XRD 22.8 GPa, 900 K Ref. [119]
    Uva100 Powder-XRD 16.2 GPa, 900 k Ref. [120]
    Hydrous Prp100 Powder-XRD 16.8 GPa, 900 K Ref. [121]
    (Mg1-xMnx)Cr2O4 Powder-XRD 10 GPa, 1 273 K Ref. [122]
    Fe2TiO4 Powder-XRD 7 GPa Ref. [123]
    Spinel Mg2TiO4 Powder-XRD 15 GPa Ref. [124]
    Zn2TiO4 Powder-XRD 24 GPa Ref. [125]
    β-CaCr2O4 Powder-XRD 16 GPa Ref. [126]
    ZnCO3 Powder-XRD 50 GPa Ref. [127]
    PbCO3 Powder-XRD 15 GPa Ref. [128]
    FcCO3 Powder-XRD 50 GPa Ref. [32]
    Carbonate MnCO3 Single-XRD 10 GPa Ref. [129]
    Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 Powder-XRD 11 GPa Ref. [130]
    SrCO3 Powder-XRD 9 GPa Ref. [131]
    BaCO3 Powder-XRD 5 GPa Ref. [131]
    Sr10(PO4)6F2 Powder-XRD 5 GPa, 1 273 K Ref. [132]
    Ba10(PO4)6F2 Powder-XRD 5 GPa, 1273 K Ref. [132]
    (Ca8.83Pb1.16)(PO4)6F2 Powder-XRD 29.2 GPa Ref. [133]
    Phosphate Pb10(AsO4)6Cl2 Powder-XRD 14 GPa Ref. [134]
    Pb10(PO4)6Cl2 Powder-XRD 15 GPa Ref. [134]
    Pb10(VO4)6Cl2 Powder-XRD 8.7 GPa Ref. [135]
    Ca4La6(SiO4)6(OH)2 Powder-XRD 9.3 GPa Ref. [136]
    γ-Ca3(PO4)2 Powder-XRD 35.4 GPa, 1 300 K Ref. [137]
    Epidote Single-XRD 29 GPa Ref. [138]
    Clinozoisite Single-XRD 29 GPa Ref. [138]
    Chondrodite BLS, XRD 800 K Ref. [139]
    Hydrated mineral Tourmaline Powder-XRD 18 GPa, 723 K Ref. [140]
    Adamite Powder-XRD 11 GPa Ref. [141]
    Phase B BLS, XRD 12 GPa, 700 K Ref. [142]
    Phase D SNFS, XRD 110 GPa Ref. [31]
    Note:Prp-pyrope; Alm-almandine; Spe-spessartine; Grs-grossular; And-andradite; Uva-uvarovite; BLS-Brillouin light scattering; SNFS-synchrotron nuclear forward scattering.
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