Characteristics of Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Railgun Contact Heat
摘要: 电磁轨道炮接触热时空分布特性是进行电枢熔化抑制、轨道散热设计和热管理的重要依据。在建立电枢与轨道接触压力、接触电阻计算模型的基础上,建立了接触热时空分布的计算模型,对电磁轨道炮的接触热时空分布进行了仿真计算,并对其特性进行了分析。针对接触热在电枢运动初始阶段相对集中的问题,研究了电枢前级加速对接触热时空分布特性的影响。仿真分析结果表明:接触热主要来源于电流焦耳热,焦耳热功率曲线与驱动电流曲线具有较大相似性;大部分接触热在电枢运动初始阶段传导给轨道,这是引起此阶段轨道烧蚀的主要原因;电枢运动初始阶段单位长度轨道传导的接触热和发射过程中电枢的热积累随着电枢初速度的增大而减小。Abstract: A good understanding of the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the railgun contact heat is an important basis upon which to suppress armature melting, design the rails cooling system, and control the thermal management.In this work, based on the calculation models of the contact pressure and contact resistance of the armature and rail, the calculation model of the railgun contact heat temporal and spatial distribution was built, the temporal and spatial distribution of the contact heat was simulated, and the distributional characteristics were analyzed.Aiming at the problem of the relative concentration of the contact heat in the initial stage of the armature movement, the effect of the armature pre-acceleration on the temporal and spatial distribution of the contact heat was examined.The simulation and analytical results show that the contact heat originates mainly from the current's Joule heat, the curves of whose power and driving current have great similarity; most of the contact heat is conducted to the rails in the initial stage of the armature movement, which is the primary cause for the rail erosion; both the contact heat conducted to the unit length rail in the initial stage and that accumulated in the armature during the launching process decrease with the increase of the armature initial velocity.
Key words:
- railgun /
- armature /
- rails /
- sliding electrical contact /
- Joule heat /
- friction heat
表 1 电磁轨道炮摩擦热和焦耳热的相关计算参数
Table 1. Parameters for calculating railgun friction heat and Joule heat
ρ1/(nΩ·m) ρ2/(nΩ·m) H1/(N/mm2) H2/(N/mm2) n F0/(kN) α η μ0 μ 28.3 17.5 2×108 5×108 1 300 1 0.166π 0.1 0.3 0.2 -
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