Development of Large Volume-High Static Pressure Techniques Based on the Hinge-Type Cubic Presses
摘要: 大腔体压机技术因具有静水压性好、样品尺寸大、样品腔内压力与温度分布均匀,且可与同步辐射X射线、中子衍射、超声测量等技术结合对样品进行原位测量等优点,越来越受到高压领域科研工作者的青睐。国内大腔体压机技术多基于国产铰链式六面顶压机构架,国产六面顶压机常规一级压腔所能产生的压力极限较低,约为6 GPa,在一定程度上制约了国内高压科学及相关学科的发展。近几年,基于国产六面顶压机,设计了两种一级压腔增压系统,集成了6-8型二级压腔加压装置。目前,在提供厘米量级样品的前提下,设计的两种一级压腔所能达到的最高压力约为10 GPa;若采用硬质合金二级顶锤,设计的6-8型二级压腔所能达到的最高压力约为20 GPa。最近,自行设计并制备了可产生高于50 GPa压力的多晶金刚石二级顶锤,采用此种顶锤将基于国产六面顶压机构建的二级加压系统的压力标定至35 GPa,拓展了国内大腔体静高压技术的压力产生范围。Abstract: The large volume press (LVP) becomes more and more popular with the scientific and technological workers in the high pressure area, because it could generate relatively higher pressure, provide better hydrostatic pressure and could be utilized in conjunction with in situ X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and ultrasonic measurement. There have been generally two LVP techniques to generate high-pressure: the double-anvil apparatus and the multi-anvil apparatus (MAA). Hinge-type cubic presses, as the main apparatus in china, have been widely used in the fields of both scientific research and diamond industry. However, for a long time past, the maximum pressure using the conventional one-stage anvil system for hinge-type cubic press is about 6 GPa, and the techniques about two-stage apparatus (octahedral press) that could generate pressure exceed 20 GPa is blank in our country. To a certain extent, the backwardness of the LVP technology in china restricts the development of high pressure science and related subjects. In recent years, we designed two kinds of one-stage high pressure apparatus and the two-stage apparatus based on hinge-type cubic-anvil press, the one-stage high pressure apparatus and the two-stage apparatus using cemented carbide as anvils could generate pressures up to about 9 GPa and 20 GPa respectively. This article mainly reviews the mechanics structure, design of cell assembly, pressure and temperature calibration, design and preparation of the sintered diamond anvils and pressure calibration to 35 GPa using sintered diamond as two-stage anvils about the one-stage high pressure apparatus and the two-stage apparatus designed in our laboratory.
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